Had a very nice time yesterday at
Boulder Hacking Society
dinner and meeting. Jafo and Ant came down to Boulder from
Fort Collins to join us. I think we had about 12 people at the
caffe at one point. Took some pictures of all the

Swapped the new computer into place as my main scrye.com
machine. Seems to be doing fine. A P4 2.8ghz machine is way
overkill for email and such, but I can also use it to do builds
on and so forth. At least it seems more stable than the old

Today is a pretty nifty day. Our client that has the cobalt raq’s
finally has finished moving all the sites off them and we have
them turned off finally. Hurray! Dave the foster dog goes to his
new home later today. Hurray! And it’s friday. 🙂