Catching up on some pictures before heading to bed.

Tomorrow I am heading down to tucson again (Hopefully for the last time for a while). 13 hours of fun driving. Hopefully uneventfull.

here’s a few pictures from the last few days. Kurt and Merlin hanging out in the yard:

boys in the yard

Kurt really likes the snow:

kurt in the snow

Twyla is doing great. Getting around fine. She still knows how to relax:

twyla in crate

She’s even figured out some odd positions she can now do since she only has one front leg:

twyla laying on couch

Will try and take some pictures of the trip. Hopefully an easy one.

Oh, I also took a (unfortunately too dark) movie of Twyla coming back in from the yard… (WARNING: it’s 32MB, so if you are on a slow link, you probibly don’t want to click).