A few notes of interest to folks coming out to flock ( http://flocktofedora.org ) later this week (and even a thing or two for folks not able to make it out):
- If you find yourself unable to reach resources out on the net that you need, you can use our handy flock proxy: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FlockProxy You will want to install ‘sshuttle’ before traveling so you can use it. It’s a simple ssh proxy that should allow you to get to whatever resources you need if you can reach the proxy on port 22 or 80.
- The #fedora-flock channel on irc.freenode.net is the primary place on irc to help coordinate with others or find any information about flock you are looking for.
- There are also irc channels for each of the rooms at the conference: #fedora-flock-ectr101 thru 212 and #fedora-flock-auditorium. You can use these channels to discuss talks/workshops as they are happening, help provide notes and links for record keeping for those not present and ask questions in a talk you are not able to attend.
- If you don’t already have a ride to/from the airport, look at the RideShare page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock:Rideshare and add your information. You can then share a cab or car with others arriving or departing at the same time.
- If you would like to help manage video, and/or irc and help speakers with time reminders, please see the volunteers page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock/Volunteers we still need more folks for many of the talks!
- Fedora Infrastructure has blocked off a room for working on things monday after the bulk of the conference is over. If anyone has ideas, comments, suggestions, questions for infrastructure and you didn’t find one of the infrastructure team before then, please do drop by monday.
- If there’s anyone attending (or available on irc even) that knows postgres and replication/ha solutions, please let me know. I’d love to have some more info for our high available db’s for infrastructure workshop.
See everyone at flock!
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