Fudcon Lawerence 2013 is coming up ( see: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Lawrence_2013 ) next week.

Fudcon’s are always a great time. You get to have high bandwith discussions with tons of smart people and hear about all kinds of cool things they are working on and share some food and laughs.

I find that it’s very easy to get pulled in many directions and sidetracked by other people’s new shiny things and forget about the things you wanted to discuss / get done. To help with that, I thought I would write up my list of things I would really love to get discussed / work on in hopes that can remember them while I am there. 🙂

  1. Fedora Infrastructure will of course be there in force. I’d like to see if we can plan out what things we want to get done in 2013 from a high level view. I’d also like to decide on a topic for a FAD later in the year to knock out something we haven’t been otherwise able to get done. Saturday morning we are going to try and gather and plan what we want to work on when, etc. Please join us. If you have any infrastructure questions or concerns, feel free to bend my ear anytime. We have: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_infrastructure_tasks_2013 as an ideas container.
  2. I want to brainstorm on my ideas around Fedora Formulas (name subject to change): https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_formulas I have signed up for a tech session slot on Friday to do just that.
  3. I want to try and discuss and come up with some kind of consensus around some EPEL issues that we have just not decided on: What channels will EPEL not overlap with and What to do with incompatible upgrades. I’ve also signed up for a friday session on this. I’ll try and gate IRC folks into the discussion too for those that can’t make it. Greg Swift setup an initial wiki page on this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/Rethinking
  4. I have some ideas around rawhide improvement that I intend to run by the list later in the week… If there’s enough interest in a session around that I can do one, but I think we can mostly just discuss those things on list/IRC.

For you other Fudcon goers… what do you plan on getting done or discussed? What is exciting you about the currently listed talks / sessions?