Saturday came a bit less early than the previous days as we had no keynote, just workshops, so everyone seemed a bit more refreshed.
Again infrastructure folks met up and worked on various projects. Dennis got the builders all upgraded so we could test some dnf/mock patches, but that caused things to break in another area. Happily Ralph was able to iterate on a patch and we applied it as a hotfix to get all the builders up and building again.
There was some interesting discussion about using PCP (performance co-pilot). Very interested to see what kind of information about our infrastructure this could bring.
John containerized out pastebin service as a proof of concept. I am looking forward to looking it all over and seeing how it’s done and how we can better use containers and such for our applications.
After workshops everyone split out to various places for dinner. I went with a group to the Genosee brew house. Very nice view and great beer!