One of the benches I made for the greyhound booth at the faire last year died, and a few others are none too stable, so I decided I would make a few new ones. They really get beat up out there, so I worked out a new (hopefully more stable) design:

I used glue in addition to lots of nails. I cut the braces inset into the 2×12 legs for added stability, and I moved the legs out to the end, not 2/3rds of the way out. We found tons of people would sit on the end of a bench causing it to flip up on them, these shouldn’t do that hopefully. It seems pretty darn sturdy. I am going to try and make another one before sunday and wander down and drop them off then to the booth.

Of course it’s summer, so here’s a few dog pictures for you:

Kurt relaxing in his pool (Even resting his head on the side of it):

and Merlin with his new favorate toy… it’s a goose. It honks when you squeeze it. It’s very cute:

Ren faire is coming up. Starting to really look forward to it. I hope it goes nicely this year.