[global] ; url - Location to fas server url = https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/ ; temp - Location to generate files while user creation process is happening temp = /var/db ; login - username to contact fas login = kevinfasclient ; password - password for login name password = {{ fasClientpass }} ; prefix - Install db files, etc, to a prefix (like a chroot for example) prefix = / ; modefile - Location of a file containing saved home directory modes modefile = /var/lib/fas/client_dir_perms ; cla_group - Group for CLA requirements cla_group = cla_done [host] ; Group hierarchy is 1) groups, 2) restricted_groups 3) ssh_restricted_groups ; so if someone is in all 3, the client behaves the same as if they were just ; in 'groups' ; groups that should have a shell account on this system. groups = packager,irc-support-operators ; groups that should have a restricted account on this system. ; restricted accounts use the restricted_shell value in [users] restricted_groups = ; ssh_restricted_groups: groups that should be restricted by ssh key. You will ; need to disable password based logins in order for this value to have any ; security meaning. Group types can be placed here as well, for example ; @hg,@git,@svn ssh_restricted_groups = ; aliases_template: Gets prepended to the aliases file when it is generated by ; fasClient aliases_template = /tmp/template.txt [users] ; default shell given to people in [host] groups shell = /bin/bash ; home - the location for fas user home dirs home = /home/fedora ; home_backup_dir - Location home dirs should get moved to when a user is ; deleted this location should be tmpwatched home_backup_dir = /tmp/fedora ; ssh_restricted_app - This is the path to the restricted shell script. It ; will not work automatically for most people though through alterations it ; is a powerfull way to restrict access to a machine. An alternative example ; could be given to people who should only have cvs access on the machine. ; setting this value to "/usr/bin/cvs server" would do this. ssh_restricted_app = "/usr/bin/cvs server" ; restricted_shell - The shell given to users in the ssh_restricted_groups restricted_shell = /sbin/nologin ; ssh_restricted_shell - The shell given to users in the ssh_restricted_groups ssh_restricted_shell = /bin/bash ; ssh_key_options - Options to be appended to people ssh keys. Users in the ; ssh_restricted_groups will have the keys they uploaded altered when they are ; installed on this machine, appended with the options below. ssh_key_options = no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty