anaconda exception report Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/", line 259, in getNext _setupRepo(self.anaconda, repo) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 1242, in nextClicked rc = self.currentWindow.getNext () NameError: global name '_setupRepo' is not defined Local variables in innermost frame: task: Web server cb: True repos: repo: anaconda-Fedora-200803010539.i386 tasks: reponame: Fedora grps: ['web-server'] self: Anaconda instance, containing members: rescue_mount: True intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members: intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.handle: 1347 intf.icw.currentWindow: TaskWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.xml: intf.icw.currentWindow.intf: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.repos: ['anaconda-Fedora-200803010539.i386', 'AdditionalFedoraSoftware'] intf.icw.currentWindow.ts: intf.icw.currentWindow.dispatch: intf.icw.currentWindow.tasks: [('Office and Productivity', ['graphics', 'office', 'games']), ('Software Development', ['development-libs', 'development-tools', 'gnome-software-development', 'x-software-development']), ('Web server', ['web-server'])] intf.icw.currentWindow.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: True Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: Install Window intf.icw.currentWindow.backend: YumBackend instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.modeText: intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.instPath: /mnt/sysimage intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.skipFormatRoot: False intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.instLog: None intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.supportsUpgrades: True intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.supportsPackageSelection: True intf.icw.mainxml: intf.icw.window: intf.icw.installFrame: intf.icw.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0 intf.runres: 800x600 intf.anaconda: Already dumped rescue: False updateSrc: None mediaDevice: None methodstr: file:///mnt/source dispatch: rootPath: /mnt/sysimage isKickstart: False _loaderMethodstr: nfs://mnt/source id: InstallData instance, containing members: id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members: id.firewall.portlist: [22:tcp] id.firewall.trustdevs: [] id.firewall.enabled: 1 id.anaconda: Already dumped id.upgradeRoot: [] id.xsetup: XSetup instance, containing members: id.xsetup.skipx: 0 id.xsetup.xserver: XServer instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.videohw: primary: 0 vidCards: [] Primary Video Card Info: device: None driver : cirrus descr : Cirrus Logic GD 5446 vidRam: None id.xsetup.xserver.serverflags: [vt6, -config, /tmp/XConfig.test, -extension, Composite, -s, 1440, -dpms, -v, -ac, -nolisten, tcp, -screen, Anaconda, -dpi, 96, -br] id.xsetup.xserver.resolution: 800x600 id.xsetup.xserver.root: / id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate: XF86HardwareState instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIFn: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor: monName: None monID: Unprobed Monitor monHoriz: None monVert: None physicalWidth: 0 physicalHeight: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.config_resolutions: [] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_name: Cirrus Logic GD 5446 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor_name: Unknown monitor id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.video_ram: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard: Already dumped id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_driver: cirrus id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_options: [] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.all_resolutions: [640x480, 800x480, 800x512, 800x600, 848x480, 854x480, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1152x768, 1152x864, 1200x900, 1280x720, 1280x800, 1280x854, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1400x900, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 1920x1440, 2048x1536, 2560x1600] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.hsync: 31.5-37.9 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.vsync: 50-70 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.probed_video_ram: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIBus: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.colordepth: 24 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIDev: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.resolution: 800x600 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.dri_enabled: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.xconfig: None id.xsetup.xserver.monitorhw: Already dumped id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': us} id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard.type: PC id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard.beenset: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard._mods: KeyboardModels instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.mousehw: FULLNAME="VMWare - VMWare Mouse" MOUSETYPE="vmmouse" XEMU3="yes" XMOUSETYPE="vmmouse" id.xsetup.xserver.defaultdepth: 24 id.xsetup.xserver.logfile: /tmp/X.log id.xsetup.xserver.config: id.xsetup.xserver.display: :1 id.xsetup.anaconda: Already dumped id.keyboard: Already dumped id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members: id.timezone.utc: True America/Denver id.mouse: Already dumped id.zfcp: ZFCP instance, containing members: id.zfcp.hasReadConfig: True id.zfcp.fcpdevs: [] id.upgrade: None id.monitor: Already dumped id.iscsi: id.methodstr: file:///mnt/source id.fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members: id.fsset.messageWindow: > id.fsset.volumesCreated: 1 id.fsset.progressWindow: > id.fsset.migratedfs: 1 id.fsset.waitWindow: > id.fsset.entries: [fsentry -- device: VolGroup00/LogVol00 mountpoint: / fsystem: ext3 format: 1 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sda1 mountpoint: /boot fsystem: ext3 format: 1 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' label: /boot fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: shm mountpoint: /dev/shm fsystem: tmpfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: devpts mountpoint: /dev/pts fsystem: devpts format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'gid=5,mode=620' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sys mountpoint: /sys fsystem: sysfs format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: proc mountpoint: /proc fsystem: proc format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: VolGroup00/LogVol01 mountpoint: swap fsystem: swap format: 1 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: VolGroup00 mountpoint: None fsystem: volume group (LVM) format: 1 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: mapper/luks-sda2 mountpoint: None fsystem: physical volume (LVM) format: 1 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None ] id.fsset.mountcount: 5 id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: {} id.desktop.runlevel: 3 id.rootParts: [] id.x_already_set: 0 id.backend: Already dumped id.firstboot: 0 id.diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members: id.diskset.initializedDisks: {sda: True} id.diskset.disks: {sda: } id.diskset.anaconda: Already dumped id.diskset.onlyPrimary: None id.users: None id.displayMode: g id.auth: --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 id.ksdata: None id.bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members: id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly: 0 id.bootloader.above1024: 0 id.bootloader.defaultDevice: mbr id.bootloader.pure: None id.bootloader.serialDevice: None id.bootloader.args: KernelArguments instance, containing members: id.bootloader.args.args: id.bootloader.kernelLocation: /boot/ id.bootloader.timeout: None id.bootloader.device: sda id.bootloader.configfile: /etc/lilo.conf id.bootloader.kickstart: 0 id.bootloader.serialOptions: None id.bootloader.useGrubVal: 1 id.bootloader._drivelist: [sda] id.bootloader.images: BootImages instance, containing members: id.bootloader.images.default: VolGroup00/LogVol00 id.bootloader.images.images: {'VolGroup00/LogVol00': ('linux', 'Fedora', 'ext3')} id.bootloader.serial: 0 id.bootloader.password: None id.bootloader.forceLBA32: 0 id.extraModules: [] Network instance, containing members: localhost.localdomain 1 {'eth0': DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp HWADDR=00:16:3e:08:1a:40 ONBOOT=yes } None eth0 1 [] None None id.instClass: id.partitions: Partitions instance, containing members: id.partitions.useFdisk: 0 id.partitions.isKickstart: 0 id.partitions.globalPassphrase: id.partitions.autoClearPartType: 0 id.partitions.autoEncryptPass: poolkuj99 id.partitions.nextUniqueID: 7 id.partitions.reinitializeDisks: 0 id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives: [sda] id.partitions.protected: [] id.partitions.useAutopartitioning: 1 id.partitions.anaconda: Already dumped id.partitions.zeroMbr: 0 id.partitions.encryptedDevices: {} id.partitions.requests: [New Part Request -- mountpoint: /boot uniqueID: 5 type: ext3 format: 1 device: sda1 drive: ['sda'] primary: None size: 200 grow: 0 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: None primary: None drive: sda dev: None uniqueID: 1 mountpoint: None requestSize: 6144.0 size: 6144.0 end: 12582911 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 0 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: None preexist: 1 device: sda-1 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: None protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 0.0 multidrive: None , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 6 type: swap format: 1 size: 1984 lvname: LogVol01 volgroup: 3 options: 'None' fsprofile: None , VG Request -- name: VolGroup00 uniqueID: 3 format: 1 pesize: 32768 physvols: [2] , LV Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: 4 type: ext3 format: 1 size: 3904 lvname: LogVol00 volgroup: 3 options: 'None' fsprofile: None , New Part Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 2 type: physical volume (LVM) format: 1 device: sda2 drive: ['sda'] primary: None size: 0 grow: 1 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: LUKS ] id.partitions.autoEncrypt: True id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: [New Part Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: physical volume (LVM) format: 1 device: None drive: None primary: None size: 0 grow: 1 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: LUKS , VG Request -- name: lvm uniqueID: None format: 1 pesize: 32768 physvols: [] , LV Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 size: 1024 lvname: LogVol00 volgroup: lvm options: 'None' fsprofile: None , New Part Request -- mountpoint: /boot uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 device: None drive: None primary: None size: 200 grow: 0 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: None , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: swap format: 1 size: 1000 lvname: LogVol01 volgroup: lvm options: 'None' fsprofile: None ] id.partitions.deletes: [] id.isHeadless: 0 id.videocard: Already dumped id.instLanguage: Language instance, containing members: id.instLanguage.targetLang: None id.instLanguage.default: en_US.UTF-8 id.instLanguage.displayMode: g id.instLanguage.current: en_US.UTF-8 Security instance, containing members: 1 id.upgradeSwapInfo: None dir: 1 backend: Already dumped /tmp/syslog: <6>Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset <6>Initializing cgroup subsys cpu <5>Linux version 2.6.25-0.80.rc3.git2.fc9 (mockbuild@) (gcc version 4.3.0 20080228 (Red Hat 4.3.0-0.12) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Feb 29 18:17:34 EST 2008 <6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map: <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009fc00 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000000009fc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000000e8000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000007fff0000 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 000000007fff0000 - 0000000080000000 (ACPI data) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fffbd000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved) <5>1151MB HIGHMEM available. <5>896MB LOWMEM available. <6>Scan SMP from c0000000 for 1024 bytes. <6>Scan SMP from c009fc00 for 1024 bytes. <6>Scan SMP from c00f0000 for 65536 bytes. <6>found SMP MP-table at [c00fb180] 000fb180 <4>WARNING: strange, CPU MTRRs all blank? <4>------------[ cut here ]------------ <4>WARNING: at arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/main.c:696 mtrr_trim_uncached_memory+0x18e/0x193() (Not tainted) <4>Modules linked in: <4>Pid: 0, comm: swapper Not tainted 2.6.25-0.80.rc3.git2.fc9 #1 <4> [] warn_on_slowpath+0x47/0x75 <4> [] ? _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x32/0x50 <4> [] ? _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x32/0x50 <4> [] ? _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x39/0x50 <4> [] ? release_console_sem+0x1bd/0x1c5 <4> [] ? vprintk+0x321/0x34e <4> [] ? release_console_sem+0x1b2/0x1c5 <4> [] ? __alloc_bootmem_core+0x118/0x2a4 <4> [] ? parse_crashkernel+0x47/0x21b <4> [] mtrr_trim_uncached_memory+0x18e/0x193 <4> [] setup_arch+0x27b/0x3ba <4> [] start_kernel+0x7a/0x372 <4> ======================= <4>---[ end trace ca143223eefdc828 ]--- <6>Using x86 segment limits to approximate NX protection <7>Entering add_active_range(0, 0, 524272) 0 entries of 256 used <4>Zone PFN ranges: <4> DMA 0 -> 4096 <4> Normal 4096 -> 229376 <4> HighMem 229376 -> 524272 <4>Movable zone start PFN for each node <4>early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges <4> 0: 0 -> 524272 <7>On node 0 totalpages: 524272 <7> DMA zone: 60 pages used for memmap <7> DMA zone: 0 pages reserved <7> DMA zone: 4036 pages, LIFO batch:0 <7> Normal zone: 3300 pages used for memmap <7> Normal zone: 221980 pages, LIFO batch:31 <7> HighMem zone: 4319 pages used for memmap <7> HighMem zone: 290577 pages, LIFO batch:31 <7> Movable zone: 0 pages used for memmap <6>DMI not present or invalid. <6>Using APIC driver default <4>ACPI: RSDP 000FB190, 0014 (r0 QEMU ) <4>ACPI: RSDT 7FFF0000, 002C (r1 QEMU QEMURSDT 1 QEMU 1) <4>ACPI: FACP 7FFF002C, 0074 (r1 QEMU QEMUFACP 1 QEMU 1) <4>ACPI: DSDT 7FFF0100, 0938 (r1 BXPC BXDSDT 1 INTL 20061109) <4>ACPI: FACS 7FFF00C0, 0040 <4>ACPI: APIC 7FFF0A38, 0080 (r1 QEMU QEMUAPIC 1 QEMU 1) <3>ACPI: no DMI BIOS year, acpi=force is required to enable ACPI <4>ACPI: Disabling ACPI support <6>Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4 <6> Virtual Wire compatibility mode. <6>OEM ID: QEMUCPU Product ID: 0.1 APIC at: 0xFEE00000 <4>Processor #0 6:0 APIC version 17 <4>Processor #1 6:0 APIC version 17 <4>Processor #2 6:0 APIC version 17 <4>Processor #3 6:0 APIC version 17 <6>I/O APIC #4 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000. <4>Enabling APIC mode: Flat. Using 1 I/O APICs <6>Processors: 4 <4>Allocating PCI resources starting at 88000000 (gap: 80000000:7ffbd000) <6>PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009f000 - 00000000000a0000 <6>PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000e8000 <6>PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000e8000 - 0000000000100000 <4>Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 516593 <5>Kernel command line: method=nfs: <7>mapped APIC to ffffb000 (fee00000) <7>mapped IOAPIC to ffffa000 (fec00000) <6>Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done. <6>Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done. <6>Initializing CPU#0 <4>CPU 0 irqstacks, hard=c081c000 soft=c07fc000 <4>PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 16384 bytes) <4>Detected 1863.158 MHz processor. <4>Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 <6>console [tty0] enabled <4>Lock dependency validator: Copyright (c) 2006 Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_SUBCLASSES: 8 <4>... MAX_LOCK_DEPTH: 48 <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_KEYS: 2048 <4>... CLASSHASH_SIZE: 1024 <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_ENTRIES: 8192 <4>... MAX_LOCKDEP_CHAINS: 16384 <4>... CHAINHASH_SIZE: 8192 <4> memory used by lock dependency info: 1024 kB <4> per task-struct memory footprint: 2688 bytes <6>Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) <6>Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) <6>Memory: 2046672k/2097088k available (2297k kernel code, 49224k reserved, 1173k data, 576k init, 1179584k highmem) <6>virtual kernel memory layout: <4> fixmap : 0xffc53000 - 0xfffff000 (3760 kB) <4> pkmap : 0xff400000 - 0xff800000 (4096 kB) <4> vmalloc : 0xf8800000 - 0xff3fe000 ( 107 MB) <4> lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xf8000000 ( 896 MB) <4> .init : 0xc0769000 - 0xc07f9000 ( 576 kB) <4> .data : 0xc063e4e7 - 0xc07639f8 (1173 kB) <4> .text : 0xc0400000 - 0xc063e4e7 (2297 kB) <6>Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode...Ok. <7>CPA: page pool initialized 1 of 1 pages preallocated <6>SLUB: Genslabs=12, HWalign=64, Order=0-1, MinObjects=4, CPUs=4, Nodes=1 <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3733.50 BogoMIPS (lpj=1866754) <6>Security Framework initialized <6>SELinux: Initializing. <7>SELinux: Starting in permissive mode <6>selinux_register_security: Registering secondary module capability <6>Capability LSM initialized as secondary <4>Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 <6>Initializing cgroup subsys ns <6>Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct <6>Initializing cgroup subsys memory <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 2048K <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0. <4>Compat vDSO mapped to ffffe000. <6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. <6>checking if image is initramfs... it is <6>Freeing initrd memory: 9280k freed <4>CPU0: Intel QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.0-cvs stepping 03 <4>lockdep: fixing up alternatives. <4>Booting processor 1/1 ip 4000 <4>CPU 1 irqstacks, hard=c081d000 soft=c07fd000 <6>Initializing CPU#1 <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 4097.05 BogoMIPS (lpj=2048529) <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 2048K <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#1. <4>CPU1: Intel QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.0-cvs stepping 03 <4>lockdep: fixing up alternatives. <4>Booting processor 2/2 ip 4000 <4>CPU 2 irqstacks, hard=c081e000 soft=c07fe000 <6>Initializing CPU#2 <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 4097.15 BogoMIPS (lpj=2048578) <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 2048K <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#2. <4>CPU2: Intel QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.0-cvs stepping 03 <4>lockdep: fixing up alternatives. <4>Booting processor 3/3 ip 4000 <4>CPU 3 irqstacks, hard=c081f000 soft=c07ff000 <6>Initializing CPU#3 <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3724.21 BogoMIPS (lpj=1862106) <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 2048K <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#3. <4>CPU3: Intel QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.0-cvs stepping 03 <6>Total of 4 processors activated (15651.93 BogoMIPS). <4>ENABLING IO-APIC IRQs <6>..TIMER: vector=0x31 apic1=0 pin1=0 apic2=-1 pin2=-1 <4>APIC timer disabled due to verification failure. <6>checking TSC synchronization [CPU#0 -> CPU#1]: <4>Measured 9801896300 cycles TSC warp between CPUs, turning off TSC clock. <4>Marking TSC unstable due to: check_tsc_sync_source failed. <6>Brought up 4 CPUs <7>sizeof(vma)=84 bytes <7>sizeof(page)=60 bytes <7>sizeof(inode)=608 bytes <7>sizeof(dentry)=160 bytes <7>sizeof(ext3inode)=860 bytes <7>sizeof(buffer_head)=56 bytes <7>sizeof(skbuff)=176 bytes <7>sizeof(task_struct)=6544 bytes <7>CPU0 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 0000000f <7> groups: 00000001 00000002 00000004 00000008 <7>CPU1 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 0000000f <7> groups: 00000002 00000004 00000008 00000001 <7>CPU2 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 0000000f <7> groups: 00000004 00000008 00000001 00000002 <7>CPU3 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 0000000f <7> groups: 00000008 00000001 00000002 00000004 <4>khelper used greatest stack depth: 3016 bytes left <6>net_namespace: 624 bytes <6>Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware <4>Time: 18:42:25 Date: 03/01/08 <4>khelper used greatest stack depth: 2940 bytes left <6>NET: Registered protocol family 16 <4>ACPI Exception (utmutex-0263): AE_BAD_PARAMETER, Thread F7102000 could not acquire Mutex [1] [20070126] <6>No dock devices found. <6>PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfaae0, last bus=0 <6>PCI: Using configuration type 1 <6>Setting up standard PCI resources <6>ACPI: Interpreter disabled. <6>Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver hub <6>usbcore: registered new device driver usb <4>PCI: Probing PCI hardware <7>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00) <6>pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: region b000-b03f claimed by PIIX4 ACPI <6>pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: region b100-b10f claimed by PIIX4 SMB <6>PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX/ICH [8086/7000] at 0000:00:01.0 <4>PCI BIOS passed nonexistent PCI bus 0! <4>PCI BIOS passed nonexistent PCI bus 0! <4>PCI BIOS passed nonexistent PCI bus 0! <6>NetLabel: Initializing <6>NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 <6>NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 <6>NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default <6>NET: Registered protocol family 2 <6>IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) <6>TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes) <6>TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 9, 2359296 bytes) <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536) <6>TCP reno registered <6>apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16ac) <5>apm: disabled - APM is not SMP safe. <6>audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled) <5>type=2000 audit(1204396944.804:1): initialized <4>highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages <4>Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0 <5>VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1 <4>Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes) <7>SELinux: Registering netfilter hooks <6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252) <6>io scheduler noop registered <6>io scheduler anticipatory registered <6>io scheduler deadline registered <6>io scheduler cfq registered (default) <6>pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers <3>pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release <6>pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds <7>pci 0000:00:02.0: Boot video device <6>pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 <6>isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards... <6>isapnp: No Plug & Play device found <4>khelper used greatest stack depth: 2820 bytes left <6>Non-volatile memory driver v1.2 <6>Linux agpgart interface v0.103 <6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled <6>serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450 <6>brd: module loaded <6>input: Macintosh mouse button emulation as /devices/virtual/input/input0 <6>PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly. <6>serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 <6>serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 <6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice <6>input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1 <6>cpuidle: using governor ladder <6>cpuidle: using governor menu <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver hiddev <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid <6>drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver <6>TCP cubic registered <6>Initializing XFRM netlink socket <6>NET: Registered protocol family 1 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 17 <4>Using IPI No-Shortcut mode <4>registered taskstats version 1 <4> Magic number: 0:648:745 <6>Freeing unused kernel memory: 576k freed <6>Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 936k <4>Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 4392811514082 ns) <4>modprobe used greatest stack depth: 2664 bytes left <4>modprobe used greatest stack depth: 2640 bytes left <4>udevd used greatest stack depth: 2352 bytes left <6>input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2 <6>RPC: Registered udp transport module. <6>RPC: Registered tcp transport module. <6>loop: module loaded <6>FDC 0 is a S82078B <6>BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 6 devices found <6>input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3 <6>squashfs: version 3.3 (2007/10/31) Phillip Lougher <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <6>Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-868. <5>iscsi: registered transport (tcp) <6>NET: Registered protocol family 10 <6>lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions <6>USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v3.0 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:01.2 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:01.2: irq 11, io base 0x0000c020 <6>usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 <6>usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 <6>usb usb1: Product: UHCI Host Controller <6>usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.25-0.80.rc3.git2.fc9 uhci_hcd <6>usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:01.2 <6>8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.28 <6>8139too 0000:00:03.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 20) is an enhanced 8139C+ chip <6>8139too 0000:00:03.0: Use the "8139cp" driver for improved performance and stability. <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:03.0 to 64 <7>8139too 0000:00:03.0: unknown chip version, assuming RTL-8139 <7>8139too 0000:00:03.0: TxConfig = 0x74800000 <4>modprobe used greatest stack depth: 2096 bytes left <6>eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xf8854000, 00:16:3e:08:1a:40, IRQ 11 <7>eth0: Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139' <7>libata version 3.00 loaded. <6>8139cp: 10/100 PCI Ethernet driver v1.3 (Mar 22, 2004) <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:01.1 to 64 <4>modprobe used greatest stack depth: 1968 bytes left <7>ata_piix 0000:00:01.1: version 2.12 <6>scsi0 : ata_piix <6>scsi1 : ata_piix <6>ata1: PATA max MWDMA2 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xc000 irq 14 <6>ata2: PATA max MWDMA2 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xc008 irq 15 <6>ata1.00: ATA-7: QEMU HARDDISK, 0.9.0-cv, max UDMA/100 <6>ata1.00: 12582912 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 <6>ata1.00: configured for MWDMA2 <6>ata2.00: ATAPI: QEMU DVD-ROM, 0.9.0-cv, max UDMA/100 <6>ata2.00: configured for MWDMA2 <5>scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA QEMU HARDDISK 0.9. PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 <5>scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM QEMU QEMU DVD-ROM 0.9. PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 <4>modprobe used greatest stack depth: 1884 bytes left <4>Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <5>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 12582912 512-byte hardware sectors (6442 MB) <5>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off <7>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00 <5>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <5>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 12582912 512-byte hardware sectors (6442 MB) <5>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off <7>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00 <5>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <6> sda: <5>sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk <4>modprobe used greatest stack depth: 1792 bytes left <4>Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <4>sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 4x/4x xa/form2 tray <6>Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 <7>sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 <5>sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 <5>sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5 <6>eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x05E1 <4>mount.nfs used greatest stack depth: 1072 bytes left <4>ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. <4> <4>======================================================= <4>[ INFO: possible circular locking dependency detected ] <4>2.6.25-0.80.rc3.git2.fc9 #1 <4>------------------------------------------------------- <4>mount/1177 is trying to acquire lock: <4> (&bdev->bd_mutex){--..}, at: [] __blkdev_put+0x24/0x12f <4> <4>but task is already holding lock: <4> (&lo->lo_ctl_mutex){--..}, at: [] lo_ioctl+0x3d/0xa01 [loop] <4> <4>which lock already depends on the new lock. <4> <4> <4>the existing dependency chain (in reverse order) is: <4> <4>-> #1 (&lo->lo_ctl_mutex){--..}: <4> [] __lock_acquire+0xa99/0xc11 <4> [] lock_acquire+0x6a/0x90 <4> [] mutex_lock_nested+0xdb/0x271 <4> [] lo_open+0x23/0x33 [loop] <4> [] do_open+0x97/0x281 <4> [] blkdev_open+0x28/0x51 <4> [] __dentry_open+0xcf/0x185 <4> [] nameidata_to_filp+0x1f/0x33 <4> [] do_filp_open+0x2e/0x35 <4> [] do_sys_open+0x40/0xb5 <4> [] sys_open+0x16/0x18 <4> [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb <4> [] 0xffffffff <4> <4>-> #0 (&bdev->bd_mutex){--..}: <4> [] __lock_acquire+0x9b8/0xc11 <4> [] lock_acquire+0x6a/0x90 <4> [] mutex_lock_nested+0xdb/0x271 <4> [] __blkdev_put+0x24/0x12f <4> [] blkdev_put+0xa/0xc <4> [] blkdev_close+0x28/0x2b <4> [] __fput+0xb3/0x157 <4> [] fput+0x17/0x19 <4> [] loop_clr_fd+0x159/0x16d [loop] <4> [] lo_ioctl+0x640/0xa01 [loop] <4> [] blkdev_driver_ioctl+0x49/0x5b <4> [] blkdev_ioctl+0x7ac/0x7c9 <4> [] block_ioctl+0x16/0x1b <4> [] vfs_ioctl+0x22/0x69 <4> [] do_vfs_ioctl+0x239/0x24c <4> [] sys_ioctl+0x40/0x5b <4> [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb <4> [] 0xffffffff <4> <4>other info that might help us debug this: <4> <4>1 lock held by mount/1177: <4> #0: (&lo->lo_ctl_mutex){--..}, at: [] lo_ioctl+0x3d/0xa01 [loop] <4> <4>stack backtrace: <4>Pid: 1177, comm: mount Not tainted 2.6.25-0.80.rc3.git2.fc9 #1 <4> [] print_circular_bug_tail+0x5b/0x66 <4> [] ? print_circular_bug_header+0xa6/0xb1 <4> [] __lock_acquire+0x9b8/0xc11 <4> [] lock_acquire+0x6a/0x90 <4> [] ? __blkdev_put+0x24/0x12f <4> [] mutex_lock_nested+0xdb/0x271 <4> [] ? __blkdev_put+0x24/0x12f <4> [] ? __blkdev_put+0x24/0x12f <4> [] __blkdev_put+0x24/0x12f <4> [] blkdev_put+0xa/0xc <4> [] blkdev_close+0x28/0x2b <4> [] __fput+0xb3/0x157 <4> [] fput+0x17/0x19 <4> [] loop_clr_fd+0x159/0x16d [loop] <4> [] lo_ioctl+0x640/0xa01 [loop] <4> [] ? native_sched_clock+0xb5/0xd1 <4> [] ? sched_clock+0x8/0xb <4> [] ? lock_release_holdtime+0x1a/0x115 <4> [] ? avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x3a1/0x3dc <4> [] ? avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x3be/0x3dc <4> [] ? native_sched_clock+0xb5/0xd1 <4> [] ? native_sched_clock+0xb5/0xd1 <4> [] ? __lock_acquire+0x55a/0xc11 <4> [] ? native_sched_clock+0xb5/0xd1 <4> [] ? lock_release_holdtime+0x1a/0x115 <4> [] ? native_sched_clock+0xb5/0xd1 <4> [] ? __lock_acquire+0x55a/0xc11 <4> [] ? native_sched_clock+0xb5/0xd1 <4> [] ? sched_clock+0x8/0xb <4> [] ? lock_release_holdtime+0x1a/0x115 <4> [] ? avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x3a1/0x3dc <4> [] blkdev_driver_ioctl+0x49/0x5b <4> [] blkdev_ioctl+0x7ac/0x7c9 <4> [] ? lock_release_holdtime+0x1a/0x115 <4> [] ? inode_has_perm+0x5b/0x65 <4> [] ? blkdev_open+0x28/0x51 <4> [] ? file_has_perm+0x7f/0x88 <4> [] block_ioctl+0x16/0x1b <4> [] ? block_ioctl+0x0/0x1b <4> [] vfs_ioctl+0x22/0x69 <4> [] do_vfs_ioctl+0x239/0x24c <4> [] ? selinux_file_ioctl+0xa8/0xab <4> [] sys_ioctl+0x40/0x5b <4> [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb <4> ======================= <4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop1. <7>eth0: no IPv6 routers present <7>SELinux:8192 avtab hash slots allocated. Num of rules:156758 <7>SELinux:8192 avtab hash slots allocated. Num of rules:156758 <7>security: 5 users, 12 roles, 2362 types, 110 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats <7>security: 72 classes, 156758 rules <7>SELinux: Completing initialization. <7>SELinux: Setting up existing superblocks. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev loop1, type squashfs), not configured for labeling <7>SELinux: initialized (dev 0:13, type nfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev rpc_pipefs, type rpc_pipefs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev usbfs, type usbfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev ramfs, type ramfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev debugfs, type debugfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev selinuxfs, type selinuxfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev hugetlbfs, type hugetlbfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev inotifyfs, type inotifyfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev futexfs, type futexfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev anon_inodefs, type anon_inodefs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev pipefs, type pipefs), uses task SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sockfs, type sockfs), uses task SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev bdev, type bdev), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev rootfs, type rootfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: policy loaded with handle_unknown=allow <5>type=1403 audit(1204397021.628:2): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 <6>md: raid0 personality registered for level 0 <6>md: raid1 personality registered for level 1 <6>xor: automatically using best checksumming function: pIII_sse <6> pIII_sse : 268.000 MB/sec <6>xor: using function: pIII_sse (268.000 MB/sec) <6>async_tx: api initialized (async) <4>raid6: int32x1 460 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x2 609 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x4 718 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x8 492 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx1 2218 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx2 1878 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x1 1054 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x2 1699 MB/s <4>raid6: sse2x1 1671 MB/s <4>raid6: sse2x2 2886 MB/s <4>raid6: using algorithm sse2x2 (2886 MB/s) <6>md: raid6 personality registered for level 6 <6>md: raid5 personality registered for level 5 <6>md: raid4 personality registered for level 4 <6>md: raid10 personality registered for level 10 <6>md: linear personality registered for level -1 <4>GFS2 (built Feb 29 2008 18:18:55) installed <6>Lock_Nolock (built Feb 29 2008 18:19:06) installed <6>JFS: nTxBlock = 8192, nTxLock = 65536 <6>SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, large block numbers, no debug enabled <6>SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem <6>device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 <6>device-mapper: ioctl: 4.13.0-ioctl (2007-10-18) initialised: <6>device-mapper: multipath: version 1.0.5 loaded <6>device-mapper: multipath round-robin: version 1.0.0 loaded <6>device-mapper: multipath emc: version 0.0.3 loaded <30>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1426]: 18:44:08.540 [I] hald.c:634: hal 0.5.10 <30>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1426]: 18:44:08.543 [I] hald.c:643: Will daemonize <30>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1426]: 18:44:08.543 [I] hald.c:644: Becoming a daemon <30>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.554 [I] hald_dbus.c:5284: local server is listening at unix:abstract=/var/run/hald/dbus-5J75RGLhy8,guid=753e8fd2629392338b00718f47c9a3f8 <27>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.618 [E] ck-tracker.c:367: Error doing GetSeats on ConsoleKit: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.PermissionsInvalid: The permission of the setuid helper is not correct <27>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.618 [E] ck-tracker.c:792: Could not get seats and sessions <28>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.619 [W] hald_dbus.c:5637: Could not initialize seats and sessions from ConsoleKit <30>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.650 [I] hald_runner.c:301: Runner has pid 1430 <28>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.655 [W] ci-tracker.c:299: Could not get uid for connection: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner Could not get UID of name 'org.freedesktop.DBus': no such name <27>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.656 [E] hald_dbus.c:4944: Cannot get caller info for org.freedesktop.DBus <30>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.662 [I] hald_runner.c:182: runner connection is 0x962c0f8 <30>Mar 1 18:44:08 hald[1427]: 18:44:08.684 [I] mmap_cache.c:129: Regenerating fdi cache.. <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.194 [I] mmap_cache.c:105: In regen_cache_cb exit_type=0, return_code=0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.195 [I] mmap_cache.c:161: fdi cache generation done <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.196 [I] mmap_cache.c:282: cache mtime is 1204397012 <28>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.197 [W] ids.c:515: Couldn't stat usb.ids file '/usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids', errno=2: No such file or directory <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.198 [I] mmap_cache.c:83: preprobe: offset=00000014, size=3596 <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.199 [I] mmap_cache.c:85: information: offset=00000e20, size=201616 <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.199 [I] mmap_cache.c:87: policy: offset=000321b0, size=33356 <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.207 [I] osspec.c:705: got 1013:b8 as primary videocard <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.252 [I] hald_dbus.c:5243: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.253 [I] hald_dbus.c:5244: ********* got a connection 96362a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.253 [I] hald_dbus.c:5245: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.301 [I] hald_dbus.c:5186: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.301 [I] hald_dbus.c:5187: Client to local_server was disconnected for 96362a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.301 [I] hald_dbus.c:5188: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.303 [I] hald_dbus.c:5229: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.303 [I] hald_dbus.c:5230: ********* unregistered 96362a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.304 [I] hald_dbus.c:5231: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.304 [I] osspec.c:416: Check if the machine is may a laptop ... <27>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.304 [E] acpi.c:758: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/battery: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/battery': No such file or directory <27>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.305 [E] acpi.c:758: Couldn't open /proc/acpi/button/lid: Error opening directory '/proc/acpi/button/lid': No such file or directory <30>Mar 1 18:44:09 hald[1427]: 18:44:09.305 [I] osspec.c:426: Synthesizing sysfs events... <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.291 [I] coldplug.c:90: dev_root is /dev <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.324 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/class/bsg/0:0:0:0' -> '/dev/bsg/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.324 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/class/bsg/1:0:0:0' -> '/dev/bsg/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.324 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg0' -> '/dev/sg0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.324 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg1' -> '/dev/sg1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.325 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda' -> '/dev/sda' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.325 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sr0' -> '/dev/sr0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.325 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1' -> '/dev/bus/usb/001/001' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.326 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep81' -> '/dev/usbdev1.1_ep81' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.326 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep00' -> '/dev/usbdev1.1_ep00' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.326 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usbmon/usbmon1' -> '/dev/usbmon1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.327 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1/event1' -> '/dev/input/event1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.328 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/event2' -> '/dev/input/event2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.328 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/mouse1' -> '/dev/input/mouse1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.329 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3/event3' -> '/dev/input/event3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.330 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS0' -> '/dev/ttyS0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.331 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS1' -> '/dev/ttyS1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.331 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS2' -> '/dev/ttyS2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.332 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS3' -> '/dev/ttyS3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.333 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0' -> '/dev/loop0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.334 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1' -> '/dev/loop1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.334 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2' -> '/dev/loop2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.335 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3' -> '/dev/loop3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.336 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4' -> '/dev/loop4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.336 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5' -> '/dev/loop5' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.337 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6' -> '/dev/loop6' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.338 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7' -> '/dev/loop7' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.338 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0' -> '/dev/ram0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.339 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1' -> '/dev/ram1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.340 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10' -> '/dev/ram10' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.340 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11' -> '/dev/ram11' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.341 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12' -> '/dev/ram12' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.342 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13' -> '/dev/ram13' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.343 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14' -> '/dev/ram14' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.343 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15' -> '/dev/ram15' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.344 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2' -> '/dev/ram2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.345 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3' -> '/dev/ram3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.345 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4' -> '/dev/ram4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.346 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5' -> '/dev/ram5' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.347 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6' -> '/dev/ram6' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.347 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7' -> '/dev/ram7' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.348 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8' -> '/dev/ram8' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.349 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9' -> '/dev/ram9' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.350 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/event0' -> '/dev/input/event0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.350 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/mouse0' -> '/dev/input/mouse0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.351 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/input/mice' -> '/dev/input/mice' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.352 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/full' -> '/dev/full' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.352 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/kmsg' -> '/dev/kmsg' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.353 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/mem' -> '/dev/mem' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.354 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/null' -> '/dev/null' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.355 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/oldmem' -> '/dev/oldmem' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.355 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/port' -> '/dev/port' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.356 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/random' -> '/dev/random' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.356 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/urandom' -> '/dev/urandom' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.357 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/zero' -> '/dev/zero' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.358 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/cpu_dma_latency' -> '/dev/cpu_dma_latency' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.359 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/device-mapper' -> '/dev/mapper/control' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.359 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_latency' -> '/dev/network_latency' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.360 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_throughput' -> '/dev/network_throughput' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.361 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/nvram' -> '/dev/nvram' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.362 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/snapshot' -> '/dev/snapshot' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.362 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/console' -> '/dev/console' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.363 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/ptmx' -> '/dev/ptmx' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.364 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty' -> '/dev/tty' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.365 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty0' -> '/dev/tty0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.365 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty1' -> '/dev/tty1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.366 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty10' -> '/dev/tty10' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.367 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty11' -> '/dev/tty11' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.367 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty12' -> '/dev/tty12' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.368 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty13' -> '/dev/tty13' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.369 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty14' -> '/dev/tty14' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.369 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty15' -> '/dev/tty15' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.370 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty16' -> '/dev/tty16' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.371 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty17' -> '/dev/tty17' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.371 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty18' -> '/dev/tty18' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.372 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty19' -> '/dev/tty19' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.373 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty2' -> '/dev/tty2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.373 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty20' -> '/dev/tty20' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.374 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty21' -> '/dev/tty21' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.375 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty22' -> '/dev/tty22' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.375 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty23' -> '/dev/tty23' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.376 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty24' -> '/dev/tty24' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.377 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty25' -> '/dev/tty25' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.378 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty26' -> '/dev/tty26' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.378 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty27' -> '/dev/tty27' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.379 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty28' -> '/dev/tty28' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.380 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty29' -> '/dev/tty29' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.380 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty3' -> '/dev/tty3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.381 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty30' -> '/dev/tty30' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.382 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty31' -> '/dev/tty31' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.383 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty32' -> '/dev/tty32' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.383 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty33' -> '/dev/tty33' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.384 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty34' -> '/dev/tty34' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.385 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty35' -> '/dev/tty35' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.385 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty36' -> '/dev/tty36' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.386 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty37' -> '/dev/tty37' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.387 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty38' -> '/dev/tty38' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.387 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty39' -> '/dev/tty39' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.388 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty4' -> '/dev/tty4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.389 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty40' -> '/dev/tty40' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.389 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty41' -> '/dev/tty41' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.390 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty42' -> '/dev/tty42' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.391 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty43' -> '/dev/tty43' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.391 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty44' -> '/dev/tty44' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.392 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty45' -> '/dev/tty45' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.393 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty46' -> '/dev/tty46' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.393 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty47' -> '/dev/tty47' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.394 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty48' -> '/dev/tty48' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.395 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty49' -> '/dev/tty49' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.395 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty5' -> '/dev/tty5' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.396 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty50' -> '/dev/tty50' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.397 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty51' -> '/dev/tty51' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.397 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty52' -> '/dev/tty52' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.398 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty53' -> '/dev/tty53' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.399 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty54' -> '/dev/tty54' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.399 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty55' -> '/dev/tty55' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.400 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty56' -> '/dev/tty56' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.401 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty57' -> '/dev/tty57' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.401 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty58' -> '/dev/tty58' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.402 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty59' -> '/dev/tty59' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.403 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty6' -> '/dev/tty6' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.403 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty60' -> '/dev/tty60' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.404 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty61' -> '/dev/tty61' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.405 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty62' -> '/dev/tty62' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.406 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty63' -> '/dev/tty63' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.406 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty7' -> '/dev/tty7' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.407 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty8' -> '/dev/tty8' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.408 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty9' -> '/dev/tty9' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.409 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/usbmon/usbmon0' -> '/dev/usbmon0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.409 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs' -> '/dev/vcs' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.410 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs1' -> '/dev/vcs1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.411 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs2' -> '/dev/vcs2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.412 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs3' -> '/dev/vcs3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.412 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs4' -> '/dev/vcs4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.413 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa' -> '/dev/vcsa' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.414 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa1' -> '/dev/vcsa1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.415 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa2' -> '/dev/vcsa2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.416 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa3' -> '/dev/vcsa3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.417 [I] coldplug.c:127: found (udevdb export) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa4' -> '/dev/vcsa4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.479 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.480 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.480 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.481 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.481 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.482 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.482 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1' '/dev/bus/usb/001/001' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.483 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.483 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.483 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.484 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.484 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.485 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.485 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.486 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.486 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.487 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/vesafb.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.505 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/class/bsg/0:0:0:0' '/dev/bsg/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.505 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/class/bsg/1:0:0:0' '/dev/bsg/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.506 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/class/iscsi_transport/tcp' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.506 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/class/scsi_device/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.506 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/class/scsi_device/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.506 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.507 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg0' '/dev/sg0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.507 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg1' '/dev/sg1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.507 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/class/scsi_host/host0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.507 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/class/scsi_host/host1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.507 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda' '/dev/sda' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.508 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sr0' '/dev/sr0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.508 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep81' '/dev/usbdev1.1_ep81' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.508 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep00' '/dev/usbdev1.1_ep00' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.508 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb_host/usb_host1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.508 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usbmon/usbmon1' '/dev/usbmon1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.509 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/net/eth0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.509 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/pci_bus/0000:00' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.509 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.509 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1/event1' '/dev/input/event1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.509 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.509 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/event2' '/dev/input/event2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.510 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/mouse1' '/dev/input/mouse1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.510 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.510 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3/event3' '/dev/input/event3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.510 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS0' '/dev/ttyS0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.510 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS1' '/dev/ttyS1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.511 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS2' '/dev/ttyS2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.511 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS3' '/dev/ttyS3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.511 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0' '/dev/loop0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.511 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1' '/dev/loop1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.511 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2' '/dev/loop2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.511 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3' '/dev/loop3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.512 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4' '/dev/loop4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.512 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5' '/dev/loop5' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.512 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6' '/dev/loop6' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.512 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7' '/dev/loop7' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.512 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0' '/dev/ram0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.512 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1' '/dev/ram1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.513 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10' '/dev/ram10' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.513 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11' '/dev/ram11' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.513 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12' '/dev/ram12' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.513 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13' '/dev/ram13' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.513 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14' '/dev/ram14' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.513 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15' '/dev/ram15' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.514 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2' '/dev/ram2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.514 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3' '/dev/ram3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.514 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4' '/dev/ram4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.514 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5' '/dev/ram5' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.514 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6' '/dev/ram6' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.515 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7' '/dev/ram7' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.515 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8' '/dev/ram8' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.515 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9' '/dev/ram9' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.515 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fbcon' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.515 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.515 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/event0' '/dev/input/event0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.516 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/mouse0' '/dev/input/mouse0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.516 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/input/mice' '/dev/input/mice' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.516 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/full' '/dev/full' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.516 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/kmsg' '/dev/kmsg' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.516 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/mem' '/dev/mem' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.517 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/null' '/dev/null' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.517 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/oldmem' '/dev/oldmem' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.517 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/port' '/dev/port' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.517 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/random' '/dev/random' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.517 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/urandom' '/dev/urandom' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.518 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/mem/zero' '/dev/zero' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.518 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/cpu_dma_latency' '/dev/cpu_dma_latency' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.518 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/device-mapper' '/dev/mapper/control' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.519 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_latency' '/dev/network_latency' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.519 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_throughput' '/dev/network_throughput' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.519 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/nvram' '/dev/nvram' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.519 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/snapshot' '/dev/snapshot' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.519 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/virtual/net/lo' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.519 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/console' '/dev/console' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.520 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/ptmx' '/dev/ptmx' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.520 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty' '/dev/tty' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.520 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty0' '/dev/tty0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.520 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty1' '/dev/tty1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.520 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty10' '/dev/tty10' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.520 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty11' '/dev/tty11' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.521 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty12' '/dev/tty12' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.521 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty13' '/dev/tty13' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.521 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty14' '/dev/tty14' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.521 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty15' '/dev/tty15' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.521 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty16' '/dev/tty16' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.521 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty17' '/dev/tty17' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.522 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty18' '/dev/tty18' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.522 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty19' '/dev/tty19' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.522 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty2' '/dev/tty2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.522 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty20' '/dev/tty20' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.522 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty21' '/dev/tty21' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.523 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty22' '/dev/tty22' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.523 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty23' '/dev/tty23' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.523 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty24' '/dev/tty24' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.523 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty25' '/dev/tty25' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.523 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty26' '/dev/tty26' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.523 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty27' '/dev/tty27' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.524 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty28' '/dev/tty28' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.524 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty29' '/dev/tty29' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.524 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty3' '/dev/tty3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.524 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty30' '/dev/tty30' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.524 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty31' '/dev/tty31' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.524 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty32' '/dev/tty32' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.525 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty33' '/dev/tty33' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.525 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty34' '/dev/tty34' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.525 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty35' '/dev/tty35' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.525 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty36' '/dev/tty36' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.525 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty37' '/dev/tty37' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.526 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty38' '/dev/tty38' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.526 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty39' '/dev/tty39' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.526 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty4' '/dev/tty4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.526 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty40' '/dev/tty40' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.526 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty41' '/dev/tty41' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.527 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty42' '/dev/tty42' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.527 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty43' '/dev/tty43' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.527 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty44' '/dev/tty44' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.527 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty45' '/dev/tty45' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.527 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty46' '/dev/tty46' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.527 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty47' '/dev/tty47' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.527 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty48' '/dev/tty48' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.528 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty49' '/dev/tty49' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.528 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty5' '/dev/tty5' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.528 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty50' '/dev/tty50' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.528 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty51' '/dev/tty51' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.528 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty52' '/dev/tty52' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.529 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty53' '/dev/tty53' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.529 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty54' '/dev/tty54' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.529 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty55' '/dev/tty55' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.529 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty56' '/dev/tty56' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.529 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty57' '/dev/tty57' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.529 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty58' '/dev/tty58' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.530 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty59' '/dev/tty59' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.530 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty6' '/dev/tty6' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.530 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty60' '/dev/tty60' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.530 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty61' '/dev/tty61' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.530 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty62' '/dev/tty62' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.530 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty63' '/dev/tty63' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.531 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty7' '/dev/tty7' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.531 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty8' '/dev/tty8' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.531 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty9' '/dev/tty9' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.531 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/usbmon/usbmon0' '/dev/usbmon0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.531 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs' '/dev/vcs' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.532 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs1' '/dev/vcs1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.532 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs2' '/dev/vcs2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.532 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs3' '/dev/vcs3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.532 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs4' '/dev/vcs4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.532 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa' '/dev/vcsa' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.532 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa1' '/dev/vcsa1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.533 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa2' '/dev/vcsa2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.533 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa3' '/dev/vcsa3' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.533 [I] coldplug.c:253: new event (dev node from udev) '/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa4' '/dev/vcsa4' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.533 [I] coldplug.c:281: new event (no dev node) '/sys/devices/virtual/vtconsole/vtcon0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.534 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.534 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.559 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_1237 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.560 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_1237 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.560 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 0 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.560 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.560 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.563 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.563 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.563 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 1 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.564 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.564 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.566 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.567 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.567 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 2 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.567 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.567 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.567 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0 dev= parent_dev=0x0963a380 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.568 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.568 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_host sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0 dev= parent_dev=0x0963a380 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.569 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.569 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.569 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.569 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0 dev= parent_dev=0x096394a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.570 [I] device.c:2139: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/type -> 0 (-> scsi.type) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.571 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.571 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.571 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 3 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.571 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.571 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.572 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0 dev= parent_dev=0x0963a380 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.572 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.572 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_host sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1 dev= parent_dev=0x0963a380 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.573 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.573 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.573 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.573 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0 dev= parent_dev=0x09645e30 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.574 [I] device.c:2139: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/type -> 5 (-> scsi.type) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.575 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_0_scsi_device_lun0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.575 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_0_scsi_device_lun0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.575 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 4 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.575 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.575 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.578 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7020 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.578 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7020 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.579 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 5 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.579 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.579 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.579 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=usb sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1 dev=/dev/bus/usb/001/001 parent_dev=0x09646120 <27>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.580 [E] util.c:388: Cannot read from '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/configuration' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.584 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1d6b_1_0000_00_01_2 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.584 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1d6b_1_0000_00_01_2 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.584 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 6 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.584 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.584 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.585 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=usb sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0 dev= parent_dev=0x09646180 <27>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.586 [E] util.c:382: Cannot open '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0/interface' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.586 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1d6b_1_0000_00_01_2_if0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.586 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1d6b_1_0000_00_01_2_if0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.587 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 7 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.587 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.3 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.587 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.3 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.590 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7113 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.590 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7113 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.590 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 8 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.591 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.591 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.594 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_1013_b8 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.594 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_1013_b8 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.594 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 9 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.594 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.594 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.597 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_10ec_8139 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.597 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_10ec_8139 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.598 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 10 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.598 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.598 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=platform sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.599 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.599 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.599 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 11 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.599 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.600 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0'->'/sys/devices/platform/i8042' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.600 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=serio sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0 dev= parent_dev=0x0964b780 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.601 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.601 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.601 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 12 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.601 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.602 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1'->'/sys/devices/platform/i8042' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.602 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=serio sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1 dev= parent_dev=0x0964b780 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.603 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX_port <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.603 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX_port <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.603 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 13 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.603 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/pcspkr is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.603 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=platform sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.604 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_pcspkr <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.604 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_pcspkr <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.604 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 14 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.605 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/serial8250 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.605 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=platform sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/serial8250 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.606 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_serial8250 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.606 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_serial8250 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.606 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 15 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.606 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/vesafb.0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.606 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=platform sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/vesafb.0 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.607 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_vesafb_0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.607 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_vesafb_0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.608 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 16 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.608 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/bsg/0:0:0:0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.608 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/bsg/0:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.608 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=bsg sysfs_path=/sys/class/bsg/0:0:0:0 dev=/dev/bsg/0:0:0:0 parent_dev=0x09639470 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.608 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 17 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.609 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/bsg/1:0:0:0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.609 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/bsg/1:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.609 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=bsg sysfs_path=/sys/class/bsg/1:0:0:0 dev=/dev/bsg/1:0:0:0 parent_dev=0x09645f60 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.609 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 18 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.610 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/iscsi_transport/tcp is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.610 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=iscsi_transport sysfs_path=/sys/class/iscsi_transport/tcp dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.610 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 19 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.610 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/scsi_device/0:0:0:0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.611 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/scsi_device/0:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.611 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_device sysfs_path=/sys/class/scsi_device/0:0:0:0 dev= parent_dev=0x09639470 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.611 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 20 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.611 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/scsi_device/1:0:0:0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.612 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/scsi_device/1:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.612 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_device sysfs_path=/sys/class/scsi_device/1:0:0:0 dev= parent_dev=0x09645f60 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.612 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 21 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.612 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.612 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.613 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_disk sysfs_path=/sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0 dev= parent_dev=0x09639470 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.613 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 22 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.613 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/scsi_generic/sg0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.613 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.614 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_generic sysfs_path=/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg0 dev=/dev/sg0 parent_dev=0x09639470 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.614 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0_scsi_generic <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.614 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0_scsi_generic <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.615 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 23 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.615 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/scsi_generic/sg1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.615 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg1'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.615 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_generic sysfs_path=/sys/class/scsi_generic/sg1 dev=/dev/sg1 parent_dev=0x09645f60 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.616 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_0_scsi_device_lun0_scsi_generic <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.616 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_8086_7010_scsi_host_0_scsi_device_lun0_scsi_generic <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.616 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 24 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.617 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/scsi_host/host0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.617 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/scsi_host/host0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.617 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_host sysfs_path=/sys/class/scsi_host/host0 dev= parent_dev=0x096394a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.617 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 25 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.617 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/class/scsi_host/host1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.618 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/class/scsi_host/host1'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.618 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=scsi_host sysfs_path=/sys/class/scsi_host/host1 dev= parent_dev=0x09645e30 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.618 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 26 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.619 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.619 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda dev=/dev/sda is_part=0, parent=0x09639470 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.620 [I] blockdev.c:1227: parent_bus is scsi <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.620 [I] blockdev.c:494: Probing storage device /dev/sda <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.641 [I] osspec.c:429: Synthesizing powermgmt events... <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.642 [I] osspec.c:437: No powermgmt capabilities <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.642 [I] osspec.c:439: Done synthesizing events <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.643 [I] util.c:1049: Add callouts for udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.687 [I] hald_dbus.c:5243: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.688 [I] hald_dbus.c:5244: ********* got a connection 963a728 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.688 [I] hald_dbus.c:5245: *************************** <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1436]: 18:44:10.690 [D] probe-storage.c:155: Doing probe-storage for /dev/sda (bus scsi) (drive_type disk) (udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/temp/22) (--only-check-for-fs==0) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1436]: 18:44:10.693 [D] probe-storage.c:407: Checking for file system on /dev/sda <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1436]: 18:44:10.693 [D] probe-storage.c:413: Doing open ("/dev/sda", O_RDONLY) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1436]: 18:44:10.694 [D] probe-storage.c:421: Returned from open(2) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1436]: 18:44:10.694 [D] probe-storage.c:437: look for existing partitions for sda <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.695: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.696: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.697: util.c:379 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.697: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.697: volume_id.c:362 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.698: linux_raid.c:70 probing at offset 0x17fff0000, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.698: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17fff0000(6442385408), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.699: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17fff0000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.700: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.700: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x17fffe000, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.700: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17fffe000(6442442752), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.700: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17fffe000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.701: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.701: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.701: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.701: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.702: util.c:379 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.702: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x1000, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.702: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.702: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x1800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.703: util.c:379 got 0x1800 (6144) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.703: ddf_raid.c:49 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.703: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffe00(6442450432), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.704: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffffe00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.704: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.704: isw_raid.c:47 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.705: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffc00(6442449920), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.705: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffffc00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.705: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.705: lsi_raid.c:42 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.705: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffe00(6442450432), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.705: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffffe00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.705: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.706: via_raid.c:67 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.706: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffe00(6442450432), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.706: silicon_raid.c:57 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.706: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffe00(6442450432), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.706: nvidia_raid.c:45 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.706: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffc00(6442449920), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.706: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffffc00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.707: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.707: promise_raid.c:46 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.707: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17fff8200(6442418688), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.707: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17fff8200 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.708: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.708: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffe0200(6442320384), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.708: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffe0200 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.710: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.710: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffe0000(6442319872), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.710: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffe0000 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.710: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.710: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17fffe000(6442442752), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.711: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17fffe000 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.711: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.711: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffce200(6442246656), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.711: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffce200 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.712: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.713: highpoint.c:77 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.713: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17fffea00(6442445312), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.713: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17fffea00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.713: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.713: adaptec_raid.c:90 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.713: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffe00(6442450432), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.714: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x17ffffe00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.714: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.714: jmicron_raid.c:43 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.714: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x17ffffe00(6442450432), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.715: lvm.c:54 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.715: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.715: lvm.c:81 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.715: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.715: highpoint.c:52 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.716: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1200(4608), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.716: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.716: volume_id.c:396 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x180000000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.716: fat.c:273 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.716: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x400 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.716: linux_swap.c:46 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.717: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xff6(4086), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.717: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1ff6(8182), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.717: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x2000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.717: util.c:379 got 0x2000 (8192) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.717: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x3ff6(16374), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.717: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x4000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.719: util.c:379 got 0x4000 (16384) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.719: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x2 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.719: xfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.719: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.719: ext.c:84 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.719: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.720: reiserfs.c:63 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.720: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x10000(65536), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.720: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x10200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.736: util.c:379 got 0x10200 (66048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.736: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.736: jfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.737: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.737: udf.c:75 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.737: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: iso9660.c:62 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: hfs.c:189 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: ufs.c:178 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: ufs.c:185 offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.738: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.739: ufs.c:185 offset 0x2000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.739: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x10000(65536), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.739: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x10800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.739: util.c:379 got 0x10800 (67584) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.739: ufs.c:185 offset 0x10000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.740: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x40000(262144), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.740: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x40000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.741: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.741: ufs.c:185 offset 0x40000 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.741: ntfs.c:108 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.741: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.741: cramfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.741: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.742: romfs.c:40 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.742: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.742: hpfs.c:41 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.742: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.742: sysv.c:98 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.742: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x200(512), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.743: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.743: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x800(2048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.743: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x218(536), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.743: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x418(1048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.743: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x818(2072), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.744: minix.c:73 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.744: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.744: ocfs.c:135 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.744: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.744: ocfs.c:173 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.744: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.744: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x800(2048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.745: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.745: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.745: vxfs.c:40 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.745: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x200(512), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.745: squashfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.746: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.746: netware.c:85 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: 1436: 18:44:10.746: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x200 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.751 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.removable.media_available -> True <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.751 [I] hald_dbus.c:1269: storage.removable.media_size -> 6442450944 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.751 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: storage.partitioning_scheme -> none <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.756 [I] hald_dbus.c:5186: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.756 [I] hald_dbus.c:5187: Client to local_server was disconnected for 963a728 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.756 [I] hald_dbus.c:5188: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.757 [I] hald_dbus.c:5229: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.757 [I] hald_dbus.c:5230: ********* unregistered 963a728 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.757 [I] hald_dbus.c:5231: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.758 [I] blockdev.c:379: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.759 [I] blockdev.c:133: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_HARDDISK <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.759 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_HARDDISK <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.759 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 27 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.762 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sr0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.762 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sr0 dev=/dev/sr0 is_part=0, parent=0x09645f60 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.764 [I] blockdev.c:1227: parent_bus is scsi <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.764 [I] blockdev.c:494: Probing storage device /dev/sr0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.765 [I] osspec.c:394: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.765 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.793 [I] hald_runner.c:659: running_processes 0x9645c18, num = 1 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.793 [I] hald.c:120: Started addon hald-addon-cpufreq for udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.812 [I] hald_dbus.c:5243: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.813 [I] hald_dbus.c:5244: ********* got a connection 963b7e0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.813 [I] hald_dbus.c:5245: *************************** <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.816 [D] probe-storage.c:155: Doing probe-storage for /dev/sr0 (bus scsi) (drive_type cdrom) (udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/temp/23) (--only-check-for-fs==0) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.818 [D] probe-storage.c:163: Doing open ("/dev/sr0", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.824 [D] probe-storage.c:169: Returned from open(2) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.824 [D] probe-storage.c:183: CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY returned: 0x00381bef <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.828 [D] probe-storage.c:310: Checking for optical disc on /dev/sr0 <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.828 [D] probe-storage.c:318: Doing open ("/dev/sr0", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_EXCL) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.833 [D] probe-storage.c:348: PROBE HAS EXCLUSIVE LOCK ON CDROM <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.837 [I] hald_runner.c:110: runner_server_message_handler: destination=(null) obj_path=/org/freedesktop/HalRunner interface=org.freedesktop.HalRunner method=StartedProcessExited <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.837 [I] hald_runner.c:125: Previously started process with pid 1440 exited <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.838 [I] hald.c:84: in addon_terminated for udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-probe-storage: [1439]: 18:44:10.839 [D] probe-storage.c:398: PROBE CLOSED LOCK ON CDROM <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.841 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.cdr -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.841 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.cdrw -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.841 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvd -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.841 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvdr -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.842 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvdrw -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.842 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvdram -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.842 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvdplusr -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.842 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvdplusrw -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.842 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvdplusrwdl -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.842 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.dvdplusrdl -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.842 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.bdr -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.bdre -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.hddvd -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.hddvdr -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.hddvdrw -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.mrw -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.mrw_w -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.843 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.mrw -> True <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.844 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.mrw_w -> True <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.844 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.support_media_changed -> True <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.844 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.cdrom.support_multisession -> True <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.844 [I] hald_dbus.c:1261: storage.cdrom.read_speed -> 706 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.844 [I] hald_dbus.c:1261: storage.cdrom.write_speed -> 0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.844 [I] hald_dbus.c:1285: storage.removable.media_available -> False <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.847 [I] hald_dbus.c:5186: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.847 [I] hald_dbus.c:5187: Client to local_server was disconnected for 963b7e0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.847 [I] hald_dbus.c:5188: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.848 [I] hald_dbus.c:5229: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.848 [I] hald_dbus.c:5230: ********* unregistered 963b7e0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.848 [I] hald_dbus.c:5231: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.849 [I] blockdev.c:379: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.849 [I] util.c:1049: Add callouts for udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_DVD_ROM <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.877 [I] blockdev.c:133: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_DVD_ROM <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.877 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_DVD_ROM <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.887 [I] hald_runner.c:659: running_processes 0x9648038, num = 1 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.887 [I] hald.c:120: Started addon hald-addon-storage for udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_DVD_ROM <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.887 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 28 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.888 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep81 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.888 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep81'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.888 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=usb_endpoint sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/1-0:1.0/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep81 dev=/dev/usbdev1.1_ep81 parent_dev=0x09648b80 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.888 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 29 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.888 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep00 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.889 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep00'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.889 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=usb_endpoint sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb1/usb_endpoint/usbdev1.1_ep00 dev=/dev/usbdev1.1_ep00 parent_dev=0x09646180 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.889 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 30 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.889 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb_host/usb_host1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.889 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb_host/usb_host1'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.889 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=usb_host sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usb_host/usb_host1 dev= parent_dev=0x09646120 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.890 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 31 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.890 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usbmon/usbmon1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.890 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usbmon/usbmon1'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.891 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=usbmon sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/usbmon/usbmon1 dev=/dev/usbmon1 parent_dev=0x09646120 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.891 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 32 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.891 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/net/eth0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.891 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/net/eth0'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.891 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=net sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/net/eth0 dev= parent_dev=0x0964b580 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.893 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_16_3e_08_1a_40 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.893 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_16_3e_08_1a_40 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.894 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 33 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.894 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/pci_bus/0000:00 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.894 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=pci_bus sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/pci_bus/0000:00 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.894 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 34 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.894 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.895 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1'->'/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.895 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1 dev= parent_dev=0x096382c0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.895 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 35 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.895 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1/event1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.895 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1/event1'->'/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.895 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1/event1 dev=/dev/input/event1 parent_dev=0x096382c0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.900 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.901 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.929 [I] hald_dbus.c:3430: Started singleton addon hald-addon-input for udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.930 [D] hald_dbus.c:3446: singleton not initialised yet <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.930 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 36 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.930 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.930 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2'->'/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.930 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2 dev= parent_dev=0x0964b8a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.931 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 37 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.931 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/event2 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.931 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/event2'->'/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.931 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/event2 dev=/dev/input/event2 parent_dev=0x0964b8a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.937 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX_port_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.937 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_AUX_port_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.937 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 38 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.938 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/mouse1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.938 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/mouse1'->'/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.940 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input2/mouse1 dev=/dev/input/mouse1 parent_dev=0x0964b8a0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.941 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 39 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.941 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.941 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3'->'/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.941 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3 dev= parent_dev=0x0964cb10 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.941 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 40 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.941 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3/event3 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.942 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3/event3'->'/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.942 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input3/event3 dev=/dev/input/event3 parent_dev=0x0964cb10 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.945 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_pcspkr_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.945 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_pcspkr_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.946 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 41 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.946 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.946 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS0'->'/sys/devices/platform/serial8250' <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.946 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS0 dev=/dev/ttyS0 parent_dev=0x0964cc50 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.963 [I] hald_dbus.c:5243: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.964 [I] hald_dbus.c:5244: ********* got a connection 9641c00 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.964 [I] hald_dbus.c:5245: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.968 [D] hald_dbus.c:3212: udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_DVD_ROM <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.968 [I] hald_dbus.c:3238: AddonIsReady on udi '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_DVD_ROM' <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-addon-storage: [1442]: 18:44:10.968 [D] addon-storage.c:670: ************************************************** <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-addon-storage: [1442]: 18:44:10.973 [D] addon-storage.c:671: Doing addon-storage for /dev/sr0 (bus scsi) (drive_type cdrom) (udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_QEMU_DVD_ROM) <14>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald-addon-storage: [1442]: 18:44:10.973 [D] addon-storage.c:672: ************************************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.994 [I] hald_dbus.c:5243: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.994 [I] hald_dbus.c:5244: ********* got a connection 9642c50 <30>Mar 1 18:44:10 hald[1427]: 18:44:10.994 [I] hald_dbus.c:5245: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.016 [D] hald_dbus.c:3507: singleton_addon_is_ready <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.016 [I] hald_dbus.c:3534: SingletonAddonIsReady recieved for 'hald-addon-input' <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.017 [D] hald_dbus.c:3547: Signalling device added for queued devices <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.017 [D] hald_dbus.c:3551: device added for '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port_logicaldev_input' <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.017 [D] hald_dbus.c:3347: singleton_signal_device_changed about to send message to connection 0x9642c50 <14>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-probe-serial: [1444]: 18:44:11.012 [D] probe-serial.c:70: Checking if /dev/ttyS0 is actually present <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.028 [I] device.c:3740: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.031 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_serial8250_serial_platform_0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.031 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_serial8250_serial_platform_0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.032 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 42 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.032 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.032 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS1'->'/sys/devices/platform/serial8250' <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.033 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS1 dev=/dev/ttyS1 parent_dev=0x0964cc50 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.060 [D] hald_dbus.c:3389: incrementing ready addons for device <11>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-addon-storage: [1442]: 18:44:11.080 [E] addon-storage.c:554: Error doing Manager.GetSystemIdleHint on ConsoleKit: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.PermissionsInvalid: The permission of the setuid helper is not correct <14>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-probe-serial: [1447]: 18:44:11.080 [D] probe-serial.c:70: Checking if /dev/ttyS1 is actually present <11>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-probe-serial: [1447]: 18:44:11.084 [E] probe-serial.c:85: serial port /dev/ttyS1 seems not to exist <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.085 [I] device.c:3740: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=1 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.086 [I] device.c:3751: device removed due to prober fail <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.086 [W] device.c:1374: Unknown property type 29548 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.086 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 43 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.086 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS2 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.087 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS2'->'/sys/devices/platform/serial8250' <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.087 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS2 dev=/dev/ttyS2 parent_dev=0x0964cc50 <14>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-probe-serial: [1448]: 18:44:11.102 [D] probe-serial.c:70: Checking if /dev/ttyS2 is actually present <11>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-probe-serial: [1448]: 18:44:11.104 [E] probe-serial.c:85: serial port /dev/ttyS2 seems not to exist <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.106 [I] device.c:3740: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=1 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.106 [I] device.c:3751: device removed due to prober fail <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.106 [W] device.c:1374: Unknown property type 29548 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.106 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 44 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.106 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS3 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.107 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS3'->'/sys/devices/platform/serial8250' <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.107 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS3 dev=/dev/ttyS3 parent_dev=0x0964cc50 <14>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-probe-serial: [1449]: 18:44:11.122 [D] probe-serial.c:70: Checking if /dev/ttyS3 is actually present <11>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald-probe-serial: [1449]: 18:44:11.124 [E] probe-serial.c:85: serial port /dev/ttyS3 seems not to exist <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.126 [I] device.c:3740: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=1 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.126 [I] device.c:3751: device removed due to prober fail <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.126 [W] device.c:1374: Unknown property type 29548 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.126 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 45 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.127 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0 dev=/dev/loop0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.127 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.127 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.127 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.127 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.128 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.128 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.128 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 46 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.128 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1 dev=/dev/loop1 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.128 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.129 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.129 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.129 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.129 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.129 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.130 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 47 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.130 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2 dev=/dev/loop2 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.130 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.130 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.131 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.131 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.131 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.131 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.131 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 48 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.132 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3 dev=/dev/loop3 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.132 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.132 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.132 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.132 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.133 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.133 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.133 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 49 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.133 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4 dev=/dev/loop4 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.134 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.134 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.134 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.134 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.134 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.135 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.135 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 50 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.135 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5 dev=/dev/loop5 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.135 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.135 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.136 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.136 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop5/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.136 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.136 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.136 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 51 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.137 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6 dev=/dev/loop6 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.137 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.137 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.137 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.138 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop6/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.138 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.138 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.138 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 52 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.139 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7 dev=/dev/loop7 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.139 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.139 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.139 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.139 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop7/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.140 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.140 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.140 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 53 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.140 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0 dev=/dev/ram0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.140 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.140 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.141 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.141 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.141 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.141 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.141 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 54 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.142 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1 dev=/dev/ram1 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.142 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.142 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.143 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.143 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.143 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.143 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.143 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 55 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.144 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10 dev=/dev/ram10 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.144 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.144 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.144 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.144 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram10/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.145 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.145 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.145 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 56 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.146 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11 dev=/dev/ram11 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.146 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.146 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.146 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.146 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram11/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.147 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.147 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.147 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 57 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.147 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12 dev=/dev/ram12 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.148 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.148 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.148 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.148 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram12/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.148 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.149 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.149 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 58 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.149 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13 dev=/dev/ram13 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.149 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.150 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.150 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.150 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram13/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.150 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.150 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.150 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 59 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.151 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14 dev=/dev/ram14 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.151 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.151 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.151 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.152 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram14/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.152 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.152 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.152 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 60 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.152 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15 dev=/dev/ram15 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.153 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.153 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.153 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.153 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram15/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.153 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.154 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.154 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 61 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.154 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2 dev=/dev/ram2 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.154 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.155 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.155 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.155 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.155 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.155 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.155 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 62 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.156 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3 dev=/dev/ram3 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.156 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.156 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.156 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.156 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram3/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.157 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.157 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.157 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 63 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.157 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4 dev=/dev/ram4 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.158 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.158 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.158 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.158 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram4/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.158 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.159 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.159 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 64 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.159 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5 dev=/dev/ram5 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.159 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.160 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.160 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.160 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram5/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.160 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.160 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.160 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 65 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.161 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6 dev=/dev/ram6 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.161 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.161 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.162 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.162 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram6/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.162 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.162 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.162 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 66 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.163 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7 dev=/dev/ram7 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.163 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.163 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.163 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.163 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram7/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.164 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.164 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.164 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 67 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.164 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8 dev=/dev/ram8 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.164 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.165 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.165 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.165 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram8/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.165 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.165 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.166 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 68 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.166 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9 dev=/dev/ram9 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.166 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.166 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.167 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.167 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/ram9/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.167 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.167 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.167 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 69 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.167 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fbcon is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.168 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=graphics sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fbcon dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.168 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 70 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.168 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/input/input0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.168 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.168 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 71 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.169 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/event0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.169 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/event0 dev=/dev/input/event0 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.171 [I] device.c:3683: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.171 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_logicaldev_input <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.171 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 72 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.171 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/mouse0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.172 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/input/input0/mouse0 dev=/dev/input/mouse0 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.172 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 73 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.172 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/input/mice is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.172 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=input sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/input/mice dev=/dev/input/mice parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.172 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 74 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.172 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/full is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.173 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/full dev=/dev/full parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.173 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 75 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.173 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/kmsg is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.173 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/kmsg dev=/dev/kmsg parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.174 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 76 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.174 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/mem is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.174 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/mem dev=/dev/mem parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.174 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 77 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.174 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/null is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.175 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/null dev=/dev/null parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.175 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 78 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.175 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/oldmem is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.175 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/oldmem dev=/dev/oldmem parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.175 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 79 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.176 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/port is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.176 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/port dev=/dev/port parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.176 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 80 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.176 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/random is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.176 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/random dev=/dev/random parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.177 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 81 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.177 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/urandom is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.177 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/urandom dev=/dev/urandom parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.177 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 82 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.177 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/mem/zero is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.178 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=mem sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/mem/zero dev=/dev/zero parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.178 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 83 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.178 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/misc/cpu_dma_latency is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.178 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=misc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/misc/cpu_dma_latency dev=/dev/cpu_dma_latency parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.178 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 84 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.179 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/misc/device-mapper is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.179 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=misc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/misc/device-mapper dev=/dev/mapper/control parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.179 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 85 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.179 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_latency is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.179 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=misc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_latency dev=/dev/network_latency parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.180 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 86 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.180 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_throughput is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.180 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=misc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/misc/network_throughput dev=/dev/network_throughput parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.180 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 87 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.180 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/misc/nvram is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.181 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=misc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/misc/nvram dev=/dev/nvram parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.181 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 88 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.181 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/misc/snapshot is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.181 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=misc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/misc/snapshot dev=/dev/snapshot parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.181 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 89 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.182 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.182 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=net sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/net/lo dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.182 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 90 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.182 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/console is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.182 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/console dev=/dev/console parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.183 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 91 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.183 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/ptmx is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.183 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/ptmx dev=/dev/ptmx parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.183 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 92 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.183 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.184 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty dev=/dev/tty parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.184 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 93 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.184 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.184 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty0 dev=/dev/tty0 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.184 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 94 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.185 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.185 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty1 dev=/dev/tty1 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.185 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 95 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.185 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty10 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.186 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty10 dev=/dev/tty10 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.186 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 96 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.186 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty11 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.186 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty11 dev=/dev/tty11 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.186 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 97 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.187 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty12 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.187 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty12 dev=/dev/tty12 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.187 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 98 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.187 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty13 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.188 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty13 dev=/dev/tty13 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.188 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 99 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.188 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty14 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.188 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty14 dev=/dev/tty14 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.188 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 100 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.188 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty15 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.189 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty15 dev=/dev/tty15 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.189 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 101 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.189 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty16 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.189 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty16 dev=/dev/tty16 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.190 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 102 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.190 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty17 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.190 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty17 dev=/dev/tty17 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.190 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 103 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.190 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty18 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.191 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty18 dev=/dev/tty18 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.191 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 104 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.191 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty19 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.191 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty19 dev=/dev/tty19 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.191 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 105 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.192 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty2 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.192 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty2 dev=/dev/tty2 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.192 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 106 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.192 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty20 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.192 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty20 dev=/dev/tty20 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.192 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 107 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.193 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty21 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.193 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty21 dev=/dev/tty21 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.193 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 108 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.193 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty22 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.194 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty22 dev=/dev/tty22 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.194 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 109 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.194 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty23 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.194 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty23 dev=/dev/tty23 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.194 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 110 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.195 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty24 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.195 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty24 dev=/dev/tty24 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.195 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 111 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.195 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty25 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.195 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty25 dev=/dev/tty25 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.196 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 112 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.196 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty26 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.196 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty26 dev=/dev/tty26 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.196 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 113 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.196 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty27 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.197 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty27 dev=/dev/tty27 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.197 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 114 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.197 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty28 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.197 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty28 dev=/dev/tty28 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.197 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 115 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.198 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty29 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.198 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty29 dev=/dev/tty29 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.198 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 116 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.198 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty3 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.198 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty3 dev=/dev/tty3 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.199 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 117 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.199 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty30 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.199 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty30 dev=/dev/tty30 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.199 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 118 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.199 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty31 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.200 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty31 dev=/dev/tty31 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.200 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 119 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.200 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty32 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.200 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty32 dev=/dev/tty32 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.201 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 120 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.201 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty33 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.201 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty33 dev=/dev/tty33 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.201 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 121 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.202 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty34 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.202 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty34 dev=/dev/tty34 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.202 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 122 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.202 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty35 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.202 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty35 dev=/dev/tty35 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.203 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 123 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.203 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty36 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.203 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty36 dev=/dev/tty36 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.203 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 124 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.203 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty37 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.204 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty37 dev=/dev/tty37 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.204 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 125 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.204 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty38 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.204 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty38 dev=/dev/tty38 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.204 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 126 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.205 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty39 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.205 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty39 dev=/dev/tty39 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.205 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 127 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.205 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty4 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.205 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty4 dev=/dev/tty4 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.206 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 128 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.206 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty40 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.206 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty40 dev=/dev/tty40 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.206 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 129 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.206 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty41 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.207 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty41 dev=/dev/tty41 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.207 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 130 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.207 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty42 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.207 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty42 dev=/dev/tty42 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.207 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 131 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.208 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty43 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.208 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty43 dev=/dev/tty43 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.208 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 132 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.208 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty44 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.208 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty44 dev=/dev/tty44 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.209 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 133 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.209 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty45 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.209 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty45 dev=/dev/tty45 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.209 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 134 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.209 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty46 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.210 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty46 dev=/dev/tty46 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.210 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 135 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.210 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty47 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.210 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty47 dev=/dev/tty47 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.211 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 136 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.211 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty48 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.211 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty48 dev=/dev/tty48 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.211 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 137 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.211 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty49 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.212 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty49 dev=/dev/tty49 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.212 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 138 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.212 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty5 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.212 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty5 dev=/dev/tty5 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.212 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 139 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.213 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty50 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.213 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty50 dev=/dev/tty50 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.213 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 140 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.213 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty51 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.213 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty51 dev=/dev/tty51 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.214 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 141 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.214 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty52 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.214 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty52 dev=/dev/tty52 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.214 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 142 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.214 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty53 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.215 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty53 dev=/dev/tty53 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.215 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 143 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.215 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty54 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.215 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty54 dev=/dev/tty54 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.215 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 144 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.216 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty55 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.216 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty55 dev=/dev/tty55 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.216 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 145 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.216 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty56 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.216 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty56 dev=/dev/tty56 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.217 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 146 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.217 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty57 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.217 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty57 dev=/dev/tty57 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.217 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 147 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.217 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty58 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.218 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty58 dev=/dev/tty58 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.218 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 148 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.218 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty59 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.218 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty59 dev=/dev/tty59 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.218 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 149 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.219 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty6 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.219 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty6 dev=/dev/tty6 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.219 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 150 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.219 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty60 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.220 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty60 dev=/dev/tty60 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.220 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 151 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.220 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty61 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.220 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty61 dev=/dev/tty61 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.220 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 152 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.220 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty62 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.221 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty62 dev=/dev/tty62 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.221 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 153 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.221 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty63 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.221 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty63 dev=/dev/tty63 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.222 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 154 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.222 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty7 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.222 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty7 dev=/dev/tty7 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.222 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 155 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.222 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty8 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.223 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty8 dev=/dev/tty8 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.223 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 156 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.223 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty9 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.223 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=tty sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/tty/tty9 dev=/dev/tty9 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.223 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 157 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.224 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/usbmon/usbmon0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.224 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=usbmon sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/usbmon/usbmon0 dev=/dev/usbmon0 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.224 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 158 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.224 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.224 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs dev=/dev/vcs parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.224 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 159 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.225 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.225 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs1 dev=/dev/vcs1 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.225 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 160 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.225 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs2 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.226 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs2 dev=/dev/vcs2 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.226 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 161 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.226 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs3 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.226 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs3 dev=/dev/vcs3 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.226 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 162 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.227 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs4 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.227 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs4 dev=/dev/vcs4 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.227 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 163 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.227 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.227 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa dev=/dev/vcsa parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.227 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 164 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.228 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa1 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.228 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa1 dev=/dev/vcsa1 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.228 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 165 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.228 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa2 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.229 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa2 dev=/dev/vcsa2 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.229 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 166 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.229 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa3 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.229 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa3 dev=/dev/vcsa3 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.229 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 167 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.230 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa4 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.230 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa4 dev=/dev/vcsa4 parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.230 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 168 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.230 [I] hotplug.c:142: /sys/devices/virtual/vtconsole/vtcon0 is a device (subsystem) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.230 [I] device.c:3823: add_dev: subsys=vtconsole sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vtconsole/vtcon0 dev= parent_dev=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.231 [I] coldplug.c:214: pool_num_freed = 169 (of 170) <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.231 [I] coldplug.c:217: Freeing whole pool <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.233 [I] hald.c:829: Device probing completed <30>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.233 [I] hald_dbus.c:5665: entering <28>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.235 [W] ci-tracker.c:299: Could not get uid for connection: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner Could not get UID of name 'org.freedesktop.DBus': no such name <27>Mar 1 18:44:11 hald[1427]: 18:44:11.236 [E] hald_dbus.c:4944: Cannot get caller info for org.freedesktop.DBus <6>warning: process `anaconda' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 1.23. <6>warning: process `anaconda' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 1.23. <13>Mar 1 18:44:12 python[1416]: obsolete kudzu ddcProbe called <6>warning: process `anaconda' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 1.23. <6>warning: process `anaconda' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 1.23. <14>Mar 1 18:44:13 orage: polling /dev/sr0 (every 2 sec): [1442]: 18:44:13.083 [I] addon-storage.c:346: Checking whether device /dev/sr0 is locked on HAL <14>Mar 1 18:44:13 orage: polling /dev/sr0 (every 2 sec): [1442]: 18:44:13.084 [I] addon-storage.c:354: ... device /dev/sr0 is not locked on HAL <6>warning: process `anaconda' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 1.23. <4>mtrr: your processor doesn't support write-combining <7>mtrr: no MTRR for f0000000,100000 found <4>mtrr: your processor doesn't support write-combining <30>Mar 1 18:46:17 hald[1427]: 18:46:17.681 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=770, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:17 hald[1427]: 18:46:17.683 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:17 hald[1427]: 18:46:17.683 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:17 hald[1427]: 18:46:17.690 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=771, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:17 hald[1427]: 18:46:17.690 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:17 hald[1427]: 18:46:17.690 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.410 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=772, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1, DEVNAME=/dev/sda1, IFINDEX=0 <27>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.410 [E] util.c:190: Cannot open '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1/range' <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.411 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda' <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.411 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1 dev=/dev/sda1 is_part=1, parent=0x0964e570 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.437 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=773, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2, DEVNAME=/dev/sda2, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.506 [I] hald_dbus.c:5243: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.506 [I] hald_dbus.c:5244: ********* got a connection 9651b30 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.507 [I] hald_dbus.c:5245: *************************** <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.508 [D] probe-volume.c:379: Doing probe-volume for /dev/sda1 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.510 [D] probe-volume.c:390: volume.block_size = 512 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.511 [D] probe-volume.c:394: volume.size = 205599744 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.514 [I] probe-volume.c:623: invoking volume_id_probe_all, offset=0, size=0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.515: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.515: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.545: util.c:379 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.545: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.545: volume_id.c:362 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.546: linux_raid.c:70 probing at offset 0xc400000, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.546: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc400000(205520896), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.546: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc400000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.547: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.547: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0xc411000, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.547: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc411000(205590528), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.548: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc411000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.549: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.549: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.549: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.549: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.549: util.c:379 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.550: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x1000, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.550: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.550: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x1800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.551: util.c:379 got 0x1800 (6144) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.551: ddf_raid.c:49 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.551: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413200(205599232), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.551: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc413200 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.552: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.552: isw_raid.c:47 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.552: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413000(205598720), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.553: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc413000 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.553: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.553: lsi_raid.c:42 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.553: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413200(205599232), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.553: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc413200 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.553: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.554: via_raid.c:67 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.554: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413200(205599232), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.554: silicon_raid.c:57 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.554: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413200(205599232), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.555: nvidia_raid.c:45 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.555: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413000(205598720), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.555: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc413000 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.555: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.555: promise_raid.c:46 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.556: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc40b600(205567488), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.556: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc40b600 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.654: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.654: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc3f3600(205469184), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.654: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc3f3600 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.655: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.655: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc3f3400(205468672), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.655: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc3f3400 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.656: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.656: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc411400(205591552), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.656: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc411400 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.656: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.656: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc3e1600(205395456), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.656: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc3e1600 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.657: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.657: highpoint.c:77 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.658: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc411e00(205594112), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.658: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc411e00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.658: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.658: adaptec_raid.c:90 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.658: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413200(205599232), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.658: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0xc413200 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.659: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.659: jmicron_raid.c:43 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.659: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xc413200(205599232), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.659: lvm.c:54 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.659: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.660: lvm.c:81 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.660: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.660: highpoint.c:52 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.660: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1200(4608), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.660: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.660: volume_id.c:396 probing at offset 0x0, size 0xc413400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.661: fat.c:273 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.661: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.661: linux_swap.c:46 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.661: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xff6(4086), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.661: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1ff6(8182), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.661: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x2000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.662: util.c:379 got 0x2000 (8192) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.662: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x3ff6(16374), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.662: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x4000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.663: util.c:379 got 0x4000 (16384) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.663: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x2 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.663: xfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.663: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.664: ext.c:84 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.664: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.664: reiserfs.c:63 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.664: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x10000(65536), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.664: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x10200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.668: util.c:379 got 0x10200 (66048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.668: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.668: jfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.669: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.669: udf.c:75 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.669: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.670: iso9660.c:62 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.670: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.670: hfs.c:189 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.670: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.670: ufs.c:178 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.670: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.670: ufs.c:185 offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.671: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.671: ufs.c:185 offset 0x2000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.671: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x10000(65536), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.671: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x10800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.671: util.c:379 got 0x10800 (67584) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.672: ufs.c:185 offset 0x10000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.672: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x40000(262144), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.672: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x40000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.771: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.771: ufs.c:185 offset 0x40000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.771: ntfs.c:108 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.771: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.772: cramfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.772: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.772: romfs.c:40 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.772: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.772: hpfs.c:41 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.772: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.773: sysv.c:98 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.773: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x200(512), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.773: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.773: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x800(2048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.773: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x218(536), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.773: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x418(1048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.773: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x818(2072), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.774: minix.c:73 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.774: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.774: ocfs.c:135 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.774: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.774: ocfs.c:173 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.775: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.775: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x800(2048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.775: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.775: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.775: vxfs.c:40 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.776: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x200(512), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.776: squashfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.776: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.776: netware.c:85 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1497: 18:46:18.776: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.777 [I] probe-volume.c:625: volume_id_probe_all returned -1 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.777 [I] probe-volume.c:697: Loading part table <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.800 [I] partutil.c:860: MSDOS partition table detected <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.800 [I] probe-volume.c:703: Looking at part table <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1497]: 18:46:18.802 [I] probe-volume.c:776: Done looking at part table <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.804 [I] hald_dbus.c:1261: volume.block_size -> 512 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.804 [I] hald_dbus.c:1269: volume.size -> 205599744 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.804 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: info.product -> Volume <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.804 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.scheme -> mbr <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.804 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.type -> 0x83 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.804 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.label -> <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.804 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.uuid -> <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.805 [I] hald_dbus.c:1239: strlist elem volume.partition.flags -> boot <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.810 [I] hald_dbus.c:5186: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.811 [I] hald_dbus.c:5187: Client to local_server was disconnected for 9651b30 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.811 [I] hald_dbus.c:5188: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.811 [I] hald_dbus.c:5229: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.811 [I] hald_dbus.c:5230: ********* unregistered 9651b30 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.812 [I] hald_dbus.c:5231: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.814 [I] blockdev.c:379: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.817 [I] blockdev.c:133: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part1_size_205599744 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.818 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part1_size_205599744 <27>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.818 [E] util.c:190: Cannot open '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2/range' <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.818 [I] osspec.c:874: hal_util_find_known_parent: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2'->'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda' <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.819 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2 dev=/dev/sda2 is_part=1, parent=0x0964e570 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.943 [I] hald_dbus.c:5243: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.944 [I] hald_dbus.c:5244: ********* got a connection 9656588 <30>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald[1427]: 18:46:18.944 [I] hald_dbus.c:5245: *************************** <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:18.949 [D] probe-volume.c:379: Doing probe-volume for /dev/sda2 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:18.953 [D] probe-volume.c:390: volume.block_size = 512 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:18.953 [D] probe-volume.c:394: volume.size = 6234762240 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:18.957 [I] probe-volume.c:623: invoking volume_id_probe_all, offset=0, size=0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.957: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.958: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.959: util.c:379 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.959: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.960: volume_id.c:362 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.960: linux_raid.c:70 probing at offset 0x1739d0000, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.960: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739d0000(6234636288), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.960: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739d0000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.962: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.962: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x1739ec000, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.963: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739ec000(6234750976), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.963: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739ec000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.965: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.965: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.965: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.965: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.966: util.c:379 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.966: linux_raid.c:124 probing at offset 0x1000, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.966: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.967: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x1800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.968: util.c:379 got 0x1800 (6144) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.968: ddf_raid.c:49 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.968: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739eea00(6234761728), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.969: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739eea00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.970: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.970: isw_raid.c:47 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.971: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739ee800(6234761216), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.971: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739ee800 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.971: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.971: lsi_raid.c:42 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.971: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739eea00(6234761728), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.971: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739eea00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.972: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.972: via_raid.c:67 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.972: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739eea00(6234761728), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.972: silicon_raid.c:57 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.972: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739eea00(6234761728), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.972: nvidia_raid.c:45 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.973: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739ee800(6234761216), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.973: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739ee800 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.973: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.973: promise_raid.c:46 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.973: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739e6e00(6234729984), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.974: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739e6e00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.975: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.975: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739cee00(6234631680), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.976: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739cee00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.976: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.976: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739cec00(6234631168), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.976: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739cec00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.976: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.977: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739ecc00(6234754048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.977: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739ecc00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.977: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.977: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739bce00(6234557952), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.977: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739bce00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.979: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.979: highpoint.c:77 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.979: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739ed600(6234756608), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.980: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739ed600 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.981: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.981: adaptec_raid.c:90 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.981: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739eea00(6234761728), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.981: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x1739eea00 len:0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.981: util.c:415 got 0x200 (512) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.981: jmicron_raid.c:43 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.982: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1739eea00(6234761728), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.982: lvm.c:54 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.982: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.982: lvm.c:81 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.983: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.983: highpoint.c:52 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.983: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1200(4608), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.983: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.983: volume_id.c:396 probing at offset 0x0, size 0x1739eec00 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.984: fat.c:273 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.984: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x400 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.984: linux_swap.c:46 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.984: util.c:356 get buffer off 0xff6(4086), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.984: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1ff6(8182), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.985: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x2000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.985: util.c:379 got 0x2000 (8192) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.985: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x3ff6(16374), len 0xa <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.985: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x4000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.986: util.c:379 got 0x4000 (16384) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.986: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x2 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.986: xfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.987: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.987: ext.c:84 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.987: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.987: reiserfs.c:63 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.987: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x10000(65536), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.988: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x10200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.994: util.c:379 got 0x10200 (66048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.994: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.995: jfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.995: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.995: udf.c:75 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.995: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.995: iso9660.c:62 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.995: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x8000(32768), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.996: hfs.c:189 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.996: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.996: ufs.c:178 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.996: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.996: ufs.c:185 offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.997: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.997: ufs.c:185 offset 0x2000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.997: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x10000(65536), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.997: util.c:369 read sbbuf len:0x10800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.997: util.c:379 got 0x10800 (67584) bytes <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.013 [I] hald_dbus.c:1261: volume.block_size -> 512 <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.013 [I] hald_dbus.c:1269: volume.size -> 6234762240 <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.013 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: info.product -> Volume <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.014 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.scheme -> mbr <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.014 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.type -> 0x8e <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.014 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.label -> <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.014 [I] hald_dbus.c:1253: volume.partition.uuid -> <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.997: ufs.c:185 offset 0x10000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.997: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x40000(262144), len 0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:18 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.998: util.c:405 read seekbuf off:0x40000 len:0x800 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:18.999: util.c:415 got 0x800 (2048) bytes <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.000: ufs.c:185 offset 0x40000 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.000: ntfs.c:108 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.000: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.000: cramfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.000: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.000: romfs.c:40 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19<30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.023 [I] hald_dbus.c:5186: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.023 [I] hald_dbus.c:5187: Client to local_server was disconnected for 9656588 <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.023 [I] hald_dbus.c:5188: ************************ <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.023 [I] hald_dbus.c:5229: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.023 [I] hald_dbus.c:5230: ********* unregistered 9656588 .001: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.001: hpfs.c:41 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.001: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.001: sysv.c:98 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.001: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x200(512), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.001: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.001: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x800(2048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.002: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x218(536), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.002: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x418(1048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.002: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x818(2072), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-pr<30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.024 [I] hald_dbus.c:5231: *************************** <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.024 [I] blockdev.c:379: entering; exit_type=0, return_code=0 obe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.002: minix.c:73 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.002: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.002: ocfs.c:135 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.003: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.003: ocfs.c:173 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.003: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x400(1024), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.003: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x800(2048), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.003: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.003: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x2000(8192), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.003: vxfs.c:40 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.004: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x200(512), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.004: squashfs.c:48 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.004: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x0(0), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.004: netware.c:85 probing at offset 0x0 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: 1499: 18:46:19.004: util.c:356 get buffer off 0x1000(4096), len 0x200 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:19.004 [I] probe-volume.c:625: volume_id_probe_all returned -1 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:19.005 [I] probe-volume.c:697: Loading part table <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:19.009 [I] partutil.c:860: MSDOS partition table detected <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:19.009 [I] probe-volume.c:703: Looking at part table <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald-probe-volume: [1499]: 18:46:19.010 [I] probe-volume.c:776: Done looking at part table <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.026 [I] blockdev.c:133: Add callouts completed udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part2_size_6234762240 <30>Mar 1 18:46:19 hald[1427]: 18:46:19.027 [I] hald.c:108: Added device to GDL; udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part2_size_6234762240 <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 orage: polling /dev/sr0 (every 2 sec): [1442]: 18:46:19.209 [I] addon-storage.c:346: Checking whether device /dev/sr0 is locked on HAL <14>Mar 1 18:46:19 orage: polling /dev/sr0 (every 2 sec): [1442]: 18:46:19.209 [I] addon-storage.c:354: ... device /dev/sr0 is not locked on HAL <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.204 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=776, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.205 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 dev=/dev/dm-0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.206 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.206 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.207 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.207 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.207 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.207 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.263 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=777, ACTION=change, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.263 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 dev=/dev/dm-0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.264 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.264 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.264 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.265 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/sda2 -> /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.265 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.266 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.266 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.475 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=778, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.475 [I] blockdev.c:1510: block_rem: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <28>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.476 [W] blockdev.c:1514: Device is not in the HAL database <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.516 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=779, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.516 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.517 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.526 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=780, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.527 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:21 hald[1427]: 18:46:21.527 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.512 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=783, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.513 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 dev=/dev/dm-0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.513 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.513 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.514 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.514 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/sda2 -> /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.514 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.514 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.515 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.557 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=784, ACTION=change, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.557 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 dev=/dev/dm-0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.558 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.558 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.558 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.559 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/sda2 -> /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.559 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.559 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.559 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.748 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=785, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.748 [I] blockdev.c:1510: block_rem: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <28>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.749 [W] blockdev.c:1514: Device is not in the HAL database <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.798 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=788, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.799 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.799 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.825 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=786, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.826 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 dev=/dev/dm-0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.827 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.827 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.827 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.827 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/sda2 -> /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.828 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.828 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.828 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.829 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=789, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.830 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.830 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.897 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=787, ACTION=change, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.898 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 dev=/dev/dm-0 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.899 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.899 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.899 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.900 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves/sda2 -> /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2 <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.900 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.900 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:22 hald[1427]: 18:46:22.900 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.068 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=790, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-1, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.069 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1 dev=/dev/dm-1 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.069 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.069 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.069 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.070 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves/dm-0 -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.070 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.070 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.070 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.105 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=791, ACTION=change, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-1, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.106 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1 dev=/dev/dm-1 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.107 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.107 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.107 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.107 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves/dm-0 -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.108 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-1/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.108 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.108 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.900 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=792, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-2, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.901 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2 dev=/dev/dm-2 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.901 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.901 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.901 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.902 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves/dm-0 -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.902 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.902 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.902 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.937 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=793, ACTION=change, SUBSYSTEM=block, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2, DEVNAME=/dev/dm-2, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.938 [I] blockdev.c:856: block_add: sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2 dev=/dev/dm-2 is_part=0, parent=0x00000000 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.938 [I] blockdev.c:897: Looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves for Device Mapper <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.938 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves/. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.939 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves/.. -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.939 [I] blockdev.c:908: /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves/dm-0 -> /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.939 [I] blockdev.c:944: Done looking in /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-2/slaves <30>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.939 [I] blockdev.c:950: Ignoring hotplug event - no parent <28>Mar 1 18:46:24 hald[1427]: 18:46:24.940 [W] blockdev.c:1434: Not adding device object <30>Mar 1 18:46:25 hald[1427]: 18:46:25.262 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=796, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:25 hald[1427]: 18:46:25.263 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:25 hald[1427]: 18:46:25.263 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:25 hald[1427]: 18:46:25.276 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=797, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:25 hald[1427]: 18:46:25.277 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:25 hald[1427]: 18:46:25.277 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <6>Adding 2031608k swap on /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2031608k <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.717 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=801, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.718 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.718 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.718 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=800, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.718 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.718 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.919 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=804, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.919 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.920 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.922 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=805, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.922 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:36 hald[1427]: 18:46:36.922 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.362 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=808, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.363 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.363 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.377 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=809, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.377 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.377 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.575 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=812, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.576 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.576 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.581 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=813, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.581 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:37 hald[1427]: 18:46:37.581 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:39 hald[1427]: 18:46:39.792 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=816, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcs5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:39 hald[1427]: 18:46:39.792 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcs5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:39 hald[1427]: 18:46:39.792 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <30>Mar 1 18:46:39 hald[1427]: 18:46:39.805 [I] osspec.c:230: SEQNUM=817, ACTION=remove, SUBSYSTEM=vc, DEVPATH=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5, DEVNAME=/dev/vcsa5, IFINDEX=0 <30>Mar 1 18:46:39 hald[1427]: 18:46:39.805 [I] device.c:3886: remove_dev: subsys=vc sysfs_path=/sys/devices/virtual/vc/vcsa5 <28>Mar 1 18:46:39 hald[1427]: 18:46:39.805 [W] device.c:3890: Error removing device <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on dm-1, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-1, type ext3), uses xattr <30>Mar 1 18:46:40 hald[1427]: 18:46:40.983 [I] osspec.c:273: /proc/mounts tells, that the mount has tree changed <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sda1, type ext3), uses xattr <30>Mar 1 18:46:41 hald[1427]: 18:46:41.052 [I] osspec.c:273: /proc/mounts tells, that the mount has tree changed <30>Mar 1 18:46:41 hald[1427]: 18:46:41.117 [I] osspec.c:273: /proc/mounts tells, that the mount has tree changed <30>Mar 1 18:46:41 hald[1427]: 18:46:41.171 [I] osspec.c:273: /proc/mounts tells, that the mount has tree changed /tmp/anaconda.log: 18:42:26 INFO : kernel command line: method=nfs: 18:42:26 INFO : anaconda version on i386 starting 18:42:26 INFO : 2057332 kB are available 18:42:29 DEBUG : probing buses 18:42:29 DEBUG : waiting for hardware to initialize 18:42:35 DEBUG : going to set language to en_US.UTF-8 18:42:35 INFO : setting language to en_US.UTF-8 18:42:35 INFO : 52 keymaps are available 18:43:22 INFO : need to set up networking 18:43:22 INFO : going to pick interface 18:43:22 INFO : only have one network device: eth0 18:43:22 INFO : going to do getNetConfig 18:43:22 INFO : eth0 is not a wireless adapter 18:43:26 DEBUG : waiting for link eth0... 18:43:26 DEBUG : 0 seconds. 18:43:26 DEBUG : sleep (nicdelay) for 0 secs first 18:43:26 DEBUG : continuing... 18:43:26 DEBUG : sending anaconda-Linux 2.6.25-0.80.rc3.git2.fc9 i686 as dhcp vendor-class requesting dhcp timeout 45 18:43:26 INFO : Listening on LPF/eth0/00:16:3e:08:1a:40 18:43:26 INFO : Sending on LPF/eth0/00:16:3e:08:1a:40 18:43:26 INFO : Sending on Socket/fallback 18:43:28 INFO : DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 6 18:43:28 INFO : DHCPOFFER from 18:43:28 INFO : DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 18:43:28 INFO : DHCPACK from 18:43:28 INFO : bound to -- renewal in 10250 seconds. 18:43:28 DEBUG : device = eth0 18:43:28 DEBUG : broadcast = 18:43:28 DEBUG : netmask = 18:43:28 DEBUG : network = 18:43:28 DEBUG : gateway = 18:43:28 DEBUG : dns[0] = 18:43:28 DEBUG : dns[1] = 18:43:28 DEBUG : waiting for link eth0... 18:43:28 DEBUG : 0 seconds. 18:43:28 DEBUG : sleep (nicdelay) for 0 secs first 18:43:28 DEBUG : continuing... 18:43:28 WARNING : reverse name lookup of failed 18:43:28 INFO : starting to STEP_URL 18:43:28 INFO : going to do nfsGetSetup 18:43:28 INFO : host is, dir is /var/www/html/mirror/development/i386/os, opts are 'ro' 18:43:28 INFO : mounting nfs path 18:43:28 INFO : can access /mnt/source/images/stage2.img 18:43:28 INFO : trying to mount CD device /dev/sr0 on /mnt/stage2 18:43:28 INFO : mntloop /dev/loop0 on /mnt/runtime as /mnt/source/images/stage2.img fd is 16 18:43:32 DEBUG : after mountStage2, rc is 0 18:43:32 INFO : got url nfs://mnt/source 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/config: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/customizable_types: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/dbus_contexts: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/default_contexts: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/default_type: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/failsafe_context: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts.homedirs: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/media: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/initrc_context: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/netfilter_contexts: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/removable_context: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/securetty_types: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/userhelper_context: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/guest_u: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/root: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/staff_u: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/unconfined_u: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/user_u: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/xguest_u: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/x_contexts: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/base.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/commit_num: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/file_contexts: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/file_contexts.homedirs: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/file_contexts.template: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/homedir_template: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/amavis.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/amtu.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/apcupsd.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/audio_entropy.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/awstats.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/bitlbee.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/calamaris.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/ccs.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/cdrecord.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/certwatch.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/cipe.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/clamav.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/consolekit.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/daemontools.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/dcc.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/ethereal.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/exim.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/fail2ban.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/games.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/gnome.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/gnomeclock.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/gpg.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/guest.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/hal.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/ipsec.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/irc.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/iscsid.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/kerneloops.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/kismet.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/lockdev.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/logadm.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/mailscanner.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/mozilla.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/mplayer.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/mrtg.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/munin.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/nagios.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/nsplugin.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/nx.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/oddjob.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/openct.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/pcscd.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/polkit_auth.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/prelude.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/publicfile.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/pyzor.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/qemu.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/qmail.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/razor.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/ricci.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/roundup.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/rpcbind.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/rwho.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/screen.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/slocate.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/smartmon.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/soundserver.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/tmpreaper.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/tor.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/tvtime.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/uml.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/unconfined.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/usbmodules.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/userhelper.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/usernetctl.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/virt.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/vmware.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/w3c.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/webadm.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/xguest.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/modules/zabbix.pp: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/netfilter_contexts: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/policy.kern: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/ Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/users_extra: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/ Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/semanage.trans.LOCK: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/policy/policy.22: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/setrans.conf: Read-only file system 18:43:32 WARNING : Failed to create /etc/selinux/targeted/seusers: Read-only file system 18:43:33 WARNING : Failed to symlink /var/lib/xkb to /tmp: File exists 18:43:33 INFO : Loading SELinux policy 18:43:41 INFO : getting ready to spawn shell now 18:43:44 INFO : NFS install method detected, will use RHupdates/ 18:43:44 INFO : Running anaconda script /usr/bin/anaconda 18:44:01 INFO : using only installclass _Fedora 18:44:01 INFO : Starting message bus... 18:44:06 INFO : Starting HAL daemon... 18:44:12 INFO : anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/bin/anaconda', '-m', 'nfs://mnt/source', '--noipv6', '--graphical', '--selinux', '--lang', 'en_US.UTF-8', '--keymap', 'us'] 18:44:12 INFO : Display mode = g 18:44:12 INFO : Method = file:///mnt/source 18:44:23 INFO : Started mini-wm 18:44:24 INFO : Starting graphical installation... 18:44:24 INFO : Detected 2016M of memory 18:44:24 INFO : Swap attempt of 1000M to 2000M 18:44:24 WARNING : step installtype does not exist 18:44:24 WARNING : step confirminstall does not exist 18:44:24 WARNING : step complete does not exist 18:44:57 INFO : moving (1) to step welcome 18:45:17 INFO : moving (1) to step betanag 18:45:20 INFO : moving (1) to step findrootparts 18:45:20 DEBUG : starting mpaths 18:45:20 DEBUG : self.driveList(): [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 18:45:20 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 18:45:20 DEBUG : starting all mpaths on drives [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : scanning for multipath on drives [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : loading bdevid modules from: '/tmp/updates/bdevid/:/mnt/source/RHupdates/bdevid/:/lib/bdevid/:/usr/lib/bdevid/' 18:45:20 DEBUG : mpaths: [] 18:45:20 DEBUG : done starting mpaths. Drivelist: [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : starting dmraids 18:45:20 DEBUG : self.driveList(): [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 18:45:20 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 18:45:20 DEBUG : starting all dmraids on drives [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : scanning for dmraid on drives [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : done starting dmraids. Drivelist: [u'sda'] 18:45:20 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 18:45:21 WARNING : step complete does not exist 18:45:21 INFO : moving (1) to step networkdevicecheck 18:45:21 INFO : moving (1) to step network 18:45:24 INFO : moving (1) to step timezone 18:45:32 INFO : moving (1) to step accounts 18:45:47 INFO : moving (1) to step partitionobjinit 18:45:47 INFO : no initiator set 18:45:47 INFO : no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp 18:45:47 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 18:45:49 INFO : moving (1) to step parttype 18:46:15 WARNING : step complete does not exist 18:46:15 INFO : moving (1) to step autopartitionexecute 18:46:15 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 18:46:15 DEBUG : used space is 2024 18:46:15 DEBUG : actual space is 5888 18:46:15 DEBUG : used space is 3008 18:46:15 DEBUG : actual space is 5888 18:46:15 DEBUG : used space is 5888 18:46:15 DEBUG : actual space is 5888 18:46:15 DEBUG : used space is 5888 18:46:15 DEBUG : actual space is 5888 18:46:15 INFO : moving (1) to step partitiondone 18:46:17 INFO : moving (1) to step migratefilesystems 18:46:17 INFO : moving (1) to step enablefilesystems 18:46:18 INFO : disk.commit() for /dev/sda 18:46:18 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 18:46:19 INFO : formatting sda2 as LUKS 18:46:21 INFO : mapping LUKS device sda2 to luks-sda2 18:46:25 INFO : formatting swap as swap 18:46:25 INFO : formatting / as ext3 18:46:25 INFO : Format command: ['mke2fs', '/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00', '-j'] 18:46:36 INFO : formatting /boot as ext3 18:46:36 INFO : Format command: ['mke2fs', '/dev/sda1', '-j'] 18:46:37 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 18:46:38 INFO : lv VolGroup00/LogVol00, attr is -wi-a- 18:46:38 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol00, size of 3904 18:46:38 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol01, size of 1984 18:46:40 INFO : trying to mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 on / 18:46:40 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint / to False 18:46:40 DEBUG : mounting /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 on /mnt/sysimage// as ext3 18:46:40 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 on /mnt/sysimage 18:46:40 INFO : set SELinux context for newly mounted filesystem root at / to False 18:46:41 INFO : trying to mount /dev/sda1 on /boot 18:46:41 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /boot to False 18:46:41 DEBUG : mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt/sysimage//boot as ext3 18:46:41 DEBUG : going to mount /dev/sda1 on /mnt/sysimage/boot 18:46:41 INFO : set SELinux context for newly mounted filesystem root at /boot to False 18:46:41 INFO : trying to mount sys on /sys 18:46:41 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /sys to False 18:46:41 DEBUG : mounting sys on /mnt/sysimage//sys as sysfs 18:46:41 DEBUG : going to mount sys on /mnt/sysimage/sys 18:46:41 INFO : set SELinux context for newly mounted filesystem root at /sys to False 18:46:41 INFO : trying to mount proc on /proc 18:46:41 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /proc to False 18:46:41 DEBUG : mounting proc on /mnt/sysimage//proc as proc 18:46:41 DEBUG : going to mount proc on /mnt/sysimage/proc 18:46:41 INFO : set SELinux context for newly mounted filesystem root at /proc to False 18:46:41 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloadersetup 18:46:41 INFO : moving (1) to step reposetup 18:46:41 INFO : added repository Additional Fedora Software with URL 18:46:57 WARNING : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/ RuntimeWarning: YumProgress.progressbar called when popped self.callback.progressbar(num, len(repos), 18:46:59 INFO : no groups missing 18:46:59 INFO : moving (1) to step basepkgsel 18:47:01 INFO : moving (1) to step tasksel /tmp/netinfo: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=dhcp /tmp/lvmout: Finding all logical volumes