Fedora Infrastructure musings for the first week of aug 2024
Last week was a busy one (but aren’t they all?). I did a fair bit of moving things around, and managed to quash a number more rhel7 instances: A virthost that I couldn’t get to the management on finally I was able to get into so I could reinstall it, along with moving a noc vm off it once we got it’s bridge to the mgmt network it needed. Finally we took down pdc as well. There’s still a few loose ends with it, but keeping it up wouldn’t have helped them since it wasn’t getting populated anymore. Hopefully we will get those last few things done soon. They are:
- The toddler that syncs components from src.fedoraproject.org to bugzilla. We have a fixed version of that plugin, but it just needs to pass testing and we can deploy it. Until thats in place, new packages will not get bugzilla components and changes of ownership won’t be reflected. Sorry for the trouble.
- A way to save compose metadata off so things like fedfind can query what packages are in composes. We are going to do this likely with just a small script that saves that data off to a filesystem, since we have the data already from pungi in composes, just need to save it.
I spent a lot of time trying to get this new lenovo slim 7x booting. I got to the point where the kernel boots and hands off, but then at the end of booting up something happens and the laptop resets. Pretty frustrating since I know others have it booting and largely working. I’m debating taking it with me to flock. Would be another thing to carry, but someone there might know what the boot issue is or how to debug it. Failing that, things are rapidly landing upstream, so it could just be something will get fixed soon. Really looking forward to it, the screen is really nice, and battery life should be super great.
Flock is next week! I will be there and am looking forward to talking with everyone. I’ll be traveling basically all day on monday, trying to recover on tuesday and then flocking from wed->sat. I head home sunday. Safe travels to everyone heading to flock!