Bits from mid jan 2025

Hello again, here's some longer form doings and thoughts from from mid january 2025 in and around fedora.
rawhide repodata change
Rawhide repodata has moved over to the createrepo_c default: zstd. This shouldn't affect any dnf use, or fedora createrepo_c use, but if you are using EL8/EL9, createrepo_c there currently doesn't understand zstd. There's a issue to add that in a minor release: and in the mean time if you are a EL8/9 user there's a copr:
dist-repos retention
On the dist-repos space issue I mentioned last week, it turns out that the expectation on dist-repos is that you would sync them somewhere you wanted to serve them from, not just serve from koji. So our use case was misalined a bit from upstream here. However, they did adjust to keep latest repos. Should be in a upcoming koji release. Thanks koji folks!
fun email infrastructure mixup between ipa and postfix
There was a pretty curious email issue that came up this last week. fedoraproject contributors (that is folks with an account that is in at least one non system group) are setup with an email alias of This is just a very simple alias. We accept the email and forward it to their real email address. There's no mailbox here or authentication or anything, just a simple alias. We got an alert that disk space was getting low on our mail hub, so I took a look and found that users who were not contributors were getting emails to delivered locally to /var/spool/mail on the hub! When we switched away from fas2 to our current IPA based setup, no one realized that sssd/ipa enumerates all users, even if they do not have access to actually login or do anything. There are good reasons for this, but somehow I at least didn't realize that it worked that way. So, since all users 'existed' there, and postfix's default for local users is:
proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps
It correctly looks them up and thinks they are local. Simply changing this to just be $alias_maps fixes the issue. There wasn't a bug here in postfix or ipa, they were just doing things as they expected. The issue was our misunderstanding how these things interacted.
f42 mass rebuild underway
The mass rebuild for f42 started (all be it a bit later than planned due to a issue getting golang to work on i686 when compiled with gcc 15). This time it seems like our submitting builds is much slower than before. In past years, pretty much everything was submitted in a few days, then koji chewed on the backlog. This time koji is easily keeping up with the submissions and we are only in the 'p's after 3.5 days. Oh well, hopefully we will finish mondayish, which is in line with past mass rebuilds.
forgejo kickoff meeting/discussions
There was a kickoff meeting about forgejo in fedora infra. I'm looking forward to this, but I have so many things going on I am not sure how much work I can do on the deployment. Lots of good ideas/plans discussed. I think it's going to be not a super lot of work to stand up a staging instance, but I think integrating with all our workflows will take a lot more effort. Time will tell.
riscv secondary koji hub
I did finally submit my work in progress PR for riscv-koji hub: Hopefully can finish off things and start deploying next week.
bugzilla and needinfo
I asked on mastodon what folks thought about bugzilla needinfo requests and what they meant. There were a number of opinions: I think in the end it's a thing that people will use for their own use cases and those will sometimes mis match with recipients. Unless we want to try and make some community wide norm or guidelines (but of course even then not everyone will see those).
Xfce-4.20 and wayland testing
News from a while ago: Xfce 4.20 was released and it's got a bunch of wayland support for various things. However, it doesn't have xfwm4 / a compositor of it's own, so by default you get a X session. If you want to play with the wayland sessions and you are running a rawhide instance, you can install: xfce4-session-wayland-session which will by default pull in labwc as your compositor. You can manually modify the session file to use wayfire if you prefer that compositor. See the testing section at I tried both out and they did indeed work, but there are still a bunch of rough edges. Still, great progress!
comments? additions? reactions?
As always, comment on mastodon: