flock 2014: day 2
After a short bit of sleep and pushing of updates for Fedora, over to day 2 of the conference: First up was Review Server. Lots of nice ideas on how to make package reviews less painfull for everyone involved. Lowering the barrier without lowering the quality is a great goal. Next was a introductory talk on ansible by Aditya Patawari. He's been a Fedora infrastructure contributor for a while and I was glad he decided to do this talk. I think it was a nice into for folks that haven't seen ansible in action before. I skipped out on the keynote to discuss more things with the infra team and Lunch. Lunches have so far been pretty good. There's a cafeteria a few blocks away that has a choice of 1 of 2 meals and a drink provided by the conference. Not bad at all. After lunch there was a "meet your FESCo" session. Amazingly all 9 FESCo members were present. I got to meet a few of them in person for the first time. There were number of questions all over the map, and we managed to keep talking for all our alloted time periood. The rest of the afternoon was spent in the 'hallway track' talking to folks about lots of different things, as well as writing up my slides for my talk tomorrow. The evening event was a boat ride through prague with dinner and drinks. It was great. The top of the boat had lovely views, but also lots of people. We got there a bit early, so some of us spent about 30min walking through the downtown area next to the river. Lots of little shops and street performers and other fun things. The metro/tram/bus system system has been great so far. Despite not reading any of the language, as long as we know the number of the train/tram/bus, the direction and stop to get off we are all fine. Getting tickets has been easy, you can get them at the front desk of the hotel even.